This is still in its factory box (unopened, even). Because of weight, must meet me in Nashville (no shipping). $1575 - which may not seem like much of a discount, but with sales tax and shipping, it's at least $175 off. This price is firm, because I don't really want to get rid of it as much...
I often find that instead of using a gun stand, it's easier to just vise the barrel for cleaning or tweaking the action. Here's a pic of my bench.
Looking to buy a rifle cradle/gun vise for cleaning, scope mounting, bedding etc. Looking at the MTM Portable Rifle-Shotgun Gun Maintenance Center ($45) the basic Tipton gun vise ($45) or the Tipton best gun vise ($100). These are just a few I saw out there, unfortunately I don't have the room...
I need to find a Armalite AR10 vise jaws, upper receiver 2-pc, and plastic composite. I need one to so I can install a Daniel Defense rail; need to pull the barrel nut. I have looked high and low and can’t find one for sale. Anyone knows how I can get one.
Having a switch barrel made for my Surgeon Action. What kind of vise and action wrench should I buy? How do I keep the vise from marring the cerakote on the barrel?