
  1. Rootshot

    Old Powder Warning

    I finished a move and had my powder supply stored in my garage in Florida for about a year. I was starting a new project that called for some Vitavuori N133 and was happy that I had an old jug of it. I dreaded finding a strong smell coming from the mostly empty 8lb factory container (maybe 1...
  2. M

    Warning! - 300AAC round with Barnes TAC-TX 110gr, will lock and load in FN SCAR 16s 5.56mm

    Just a word of WARNING from a ticked off owner of damaged FN SCAR 16s... Several of us ventured out to the competition range for some practice this past weekend. We had several rifles being swapped about for comparison sake. One of the group grabbed a standard AR-15 mag loaded with a few...
  3. G

    Gunsmithing .300 Norma -warning two sets of dimentions!

    For those of you who have been tinkering with the .300 Norma mag. Please be aware that there are two sets of dimentions out there. The originals from Jimmy Sloan, and the revised dimentions dictated by CIp (etc). The revised case has slightly more taper and is 1,02mm longer than the original...
  4. G

    Maggie’s Dangerous Breed Warning

    If you are an owner of a dog that belongs to a 'dangerous breed' category and you also have a small child please take this as a warning. Don't leave your dog with the child unattended under any circumstances. Only a moment was enough for the following to happen: