• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

    Thank you to everyone who particpated!

    See the winner


  1. Safety_3rd

    SOLD Zero compromise 8-40, MPCT 2x, 10mil, NLE, AAdmount, MPA 1.25” 0MOA

    Mounted and shot at the range one time. Purchased from CS about six months ago. One of the first 8-40 2x 10mil turrets, non locking elevation. Flip up lenses and mk machine level. ZCO has upped their prices. I have had it wrapped since I got it. Asking 4400 shipped. Hate to sell but need...
  2. Rippey715

    Accessories Hyskore Parallax Sighting System

    Hyskore Parallax Sighting System rest for sighting in pistols. I used it once and no longer need. $30 plus shipping. Paypal FF (Posting locally on Northwestfirearms.com forum as well.)
  3. Safety_3rd

    Optics Zero compromise 8-40 MPCT2X 10 mil non locking 5/16

    Purchased 5/16 from CS. Mounted but has never been shot. Only scope. I’m happy to sell the aadmounts, area 419 Mount and the level but at retail. 4050 shipped
  4. +50 & Still Learning

    Laser bore sighter shows high & to right

    A newly purchased in the bore cartridge shaped laser shows high and to the right on a scope that has already been zeroed for 100 meters. Scope is not off because I shot it before putting in the laser and it was hitting correctly. Anyone have any ideas why the laser is not lining up on target...
  5. The4GunGuy

    SOLD WTS Zero Compromise ZC527 5-27x56 FFP, MPCT2 Reticle

    THIS SCOPE HAS BEEN SOLD Lightly used ZCO ZC527 5-27x MPCT2 Reticle Excellent condition Original box No sunshade (already sold) $3,350.00 includes insurance and shipping to CONUS PayPal FF or PayPal GS add 3% please My review of the scope is here:
  6. hack405

    Multiple Rifles - too few optics

    What is your experience/process to minimize time and effort from moving your optic between guns or multiple guns? I did it for the first time today and the difference between guns was an elevation difference of 6 mils high. I had expected to be within a mil or 2. One thing I am thinking is...
  7. Brendan Clough

    MILS required for 100m Zero??

    Hi peeps. Changed out scope on my Tikka T3X to a vortex viper 4-16 x 44.....in the process of zeroing, I've used up over half my turret travel.....I have appx 9.5 mils remaining....running medium rings. Scope centre to bore centre is 42mm....does this sound right to you lot?? Photo is of field...
  8. The4GunGuy

    SOLD SOLD: Spuhr SP-6002 36mm scope mount 0 Mil/0 MOA

    THIS ITEM HAS BEEN SOLD. Nearly new Spuhr SP-6002 36mm scope mount 0 Mil/0 MOA with 1.5" height. Moving to 34mm scope so don't need any longer. $350 shipped CONUS, PayPal Friends and Family only please.
  9. Chace grubb

    50 yard zero

    Would you consider this a decent 50 yard zero? Shooting from prone with a backpack supporting the gun. AR-15 Sig Romeo 5 red dot 12.5 Rosco barrel Rise armament RAV140 trigger Surefire Warcomp 62grain 5.56 Fortis Scott ammo
  10. H

    Confused on how to have two zeroes for two different loads.

    I'm shooting an 18" gas gun with a BDC reticle. My primary load is IMI 77gr @ 2710fps. I zero it at 63 yards in order to match my BDC. My training load is PMC XTAC @ 3120fps. I zero it at 100 yards in order to match my BDC. If both loads were zeroed at same distance, I could just measure the...
  11. The4GunGuy

    SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD: Zero Compromise ZC527 with MPCT3x reticle (the "clean" reticle)

    THIS SCOPE AND MOUNT HAVE BEEN SOLD Barely used Zero Compromise ZC527 with MPCT3x reticle (the "clean" reticle). Getting out of 22LR so don't need it any longer. Original box ZCO ZC527 w/MPCT3x reticle Scope cover Cleaning cloth $3,600 shipped and insured via PayPal Friends and Family only...
  12. T

    Help w/ Zeroing Irons on a 16" Barrel .308, using the MBUS Pro LR Sights

    I'm planning to zero my rifle tomorrow afternoon, maybe you can help? I'm using only irons tomorrow since I haven't an optic yet. These are my BUIS on an AR platform in .308 caliber. Will be using the Magpul MBUS Pro LR rear/front. Will likely shoot FGMM 168 gr. or other match grade. My plan is...
  13. PrismSync

    [Updated] Christensen MPR weird performance on Cheap & Expensive Rounds, and zeroing question

    Hi Folks, It's been a while since I lastly posted about my MPR, worrying that it might not be worth the price, etc. Thanks to everyone who offered advice there! Now I finally get to shoot the rifle, so here are some updates. There is a somewhat bizarre pattern: cheap ammo "outperformed"...
  14. Near miss

    Aimpoint T2 zero change over strikes

    Hi fellas. I noticed that my Aimpoint had lost zero. I had not used it for a while but figured that it had dropped few times since last use. At least once rolled onto concrete. It also attaches by QD made by ADM. So I decided to test and conclude what is behind the zero change. 1. Zero test...
  15. Anonymoose

    Zero'd my new BMP what should I expect?

    Shot a 5 round group probably just under 1 moa and made my scope adjustments based off of it. Then I moved to this bullseye, shot a 3 rd group and made fine adjustments. The next shot hit just about dead center so I followed up with 4 more and wound up with this 0.43 moa 5 round group. Feeling...