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#1 Rifle: Remington CSR 308.


MRAD 338 / 308 / 6.5cm
Full Member
Jun 7, 2022
Hi guys :)
Just finished scrolling through 80+ pages at Precision Rifles.....show em!!
Since i am new to bolt rifles i had to try find inspiration to get new one after i sold my Tikka T3.
I saved about 85 different images that inspired me for my next rifle, many of you guys have some amazing rigs.

BUT after much lurking, searching, youtube and stuff i found out this here is my favorite rifle by the looks of it.
( I understand that this Rem csr was only made for SOCOM and SF and its impossible to buy, is there anything similar i can get ? )



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For that money, I'd buy two GA Precisions... What's your budget? If it has to be 16" you are limited from what I've seen if you want a detachable mag. I finally gave up and went Ridgeline Scout. Tikka Tac A1 is probably your best bet.
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@308Nomad lets step back for a second. Looks aren't everything. Get a rifle with the stuff that makes YOUR shooting life better.

Now it is your rifle, and lets be honest, we all want a "bitching piece of kit" as the timmies say. But before that ask "what do I want in a rifle"

  1. Function (target/hunting/competition/eye candy)
  2. Based on #1 pick a caliber.
    1. for instance is you want to elk hunt, then .308 or 30-06 up to 300 WM or 300 PRC.
    2. Competetive: Get a 6 mm, all the cool kids are doing it
    3. Not sure? Get a 6.5 and a manbun. Its cool, we all have one.
  3. Now how does your gun fit? Are you a monkey boy like me? Better get a chassis or find a long LOP. Are you frank size? Well better get the kids model
  4. Based on #1--you going to run a supressor? How about a brake? What about a bipod? Using a tripod? Think about what you need to get those things hung--arca rails, mlock, threaded barrel etc.
  5. Hunting? Better not beef that weight up! Hauling 25lbs through the brush SUCKS ASS. Competition--strap some lead weights on cause nancy boys don't like recoil. Shooting a magnum--FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET WEIGHT AND A BRAKE --signed your shoulder.
  6. Now repeat this all for a scope. (Leupold is ok, but again FUNCTION over form--do you know how to use the reticle--do you care?).
  7. Get a paint job so you can look cool. Do not skip steps 1-6. I suggest jet black because that's how the operators operate operations. Or get the Mandolorian Paint Job.
If you want to be the cool kid at the range, even a KRG bravo attracts groupies. Show up with a AI and they practically throw their bra and panties at you. Which begs the question--why are all the guys wearing bras and panties at the range? (6.5 shooters amirite !)

Does anyone here besides me actually own one? I highly doubt it. It's weird how everyone I've talked to that owns a CSR or has shot a CSR love the rifle, but people who have never even seen one in person will dog pile about how it's a piece of shit. It's a great fucking gun, it can fill various roles from hunting to target shooting, but it's also unique and people buy them just because it's different and they love how it looks. The 16k number was probably what the first 2 dozen prototypes cost, as mentioned earlier the commercial ones were somewhere around 7k.

I have one of the original prototypes that was made by XTSP for Remington and 2 of my friends bought the civilian ones. All 3 of us love our CSR's! They're great guns and they're very unique. I just sold my almost complete prototype PSR kit, but I'd never even think about selling my CSR. In fact, I just purchased the correct silencer for it (AAC SDN6, old tech, but that's what's correct, it is what it is). You said that it's your favorite rifle by the way it looks and that's awesome! Not every single gun has to be function over form, sometimes you just want to buy a gun that looks good to you. I lost count of how many guns I own when I got into triple digits and it's a collection of a quantity of quality. There are dozens of guns in my collection that I bought because I just flat out liked the way they looked. Buying a gun that looks good to you is as valid of a reason as any when buying a gun. I want to see more people buying more guns for any reason or no reason at all. Guns are fucking awesome, buy what you like for any reason you want.

Back to the CSR, it not only looks awesome, but it's extremely portable. I can disassemble it in under a minute and reassemble it in under a minute. It's one of the easiest rifles to takedown, unlike other options that use multiple wrenches or vises. It's extremely compact and will fit in a regular size backpack. They come with a roll-up bag as well, that's what I've been using to transport it. I could carry that little roll-up bag everywhere and no one would even think twice that there's a rifle in it. Also people's reactions to it being pulled out and quickly assembled are pretty funny, they're always blown away by how fast and easy it is! My buddies have nicknamed my CSR the "James Bond rifle" because of the roll-up bag and extremely fast assembly. How many other bolt action sniper rifles can you think of that completely breakdown to the degree that the CSR can? I can't think of any others, it's a very cool, unique rifle.

Well, I actually can think of another rifle that breaks down into a small, discreet package. It's a 1 off prototype that the Crane NSWC armorers made. I've been asking a friend if he can build me one, but no luck on that. Check it out, it's a similar concept as the Remington CSR, but done in a completely different way. It's an awesome rifle that I would love to own, just because I could:





The CSR was created for one purpose, to be put in a pack while the user is in plainclothes, brought to a final firing position, assembled, fire a subsonic bullet out to 300 yards max, disassemble, egress and blend into the other people around you. All of this has to happen in the shortest amount of time possible. I got this information directly from Tom Meyers, who is the guy who made the prototypes for Remington. I don't care if this is a useful role or not or if there's better options for this task. This is what the military wanted and this is what Remington delivered, it's that cut and dry. I obviously don't use it like that, I shoot targets at a square range.

The Bartlein barrel on my CSR is a lot better than the civilian rifles with Remington barrels, although the Remington CSR barrels seem to shoot better than the Remington PSR/MSR barrels and they will easily hold under 1 MOA. My Bartlein barrel actually has a different twist rate than the civilian production Remington barrels, since the prototype CSR's like mine were originally meant to shoot a subsonic bullet at 300 yards or less. I've never shot a subsonic round out of my CSR and it will handle the Mk316 Mod 0 ammo just fine at longer ranges (the pics below are at 400 yards, way too easy, I wish I could stretch it out more).

I recently brought my CSR to a clone shoot and it was one of the rifles that everyone wanted to shoot. This rifle and my Mk12 SPR with an original 5th Group used upper that was brought into Afghanistan 1 month after 9/11 were the highlights for many of the guys at the shoot. I wish I had brought more ammo for it, I think we went through half a dozen boxes of Mk316 Mod 0 ammo! If you want one, go buy one (well, if you can find one). All of the other options people suggested are also great, but if you want a CSR, then buy a CSR. And then buy the rest of the rifles that are mentioned in this thread.

I just noticed that you're in Norway, so there's probably no chance of you ever getting an actual CSR, so the guys who said to buy a Cadex chassis with your choice of barreled action or to get something like a Q Fix or Sig Cross had great recommendations. Those rifles will never be close to what the CSR actually is, but you'll still end up with a small and manageable rifle. Also, Cadex designed this chassis with Remington, but these Remington RACS chassis weren't produced by Cadex, they were made by some other company. I'm lazy and just call it a Cadex chassis, lol.

I have plenty of guns that fill specific rolls from prairie dog hunting to home defense, and some crazy oddball shit like 2 project rifles that are chambered in a .10 Eichelberger Long Rifle. The point of owning a rifle chambered in a .10 caliber is purely for entertainment, since it doesn't serve any practical purpose. This goes back to what you said about liking the way the CSR looks. I bought the CSR because it puts a smile on my face every time I shoot it, not because I'm some sort of secret squirrel wannabe. I also love the way it looks and it's an extremely fun rifle to shoot! It's your money, do what makes you happy and it's always a good thing to keep buying more guns!

Also check out this thread. I don't know who this guy is, but he loves his CSR as well. I really like the Pelican case he put everything into, that's a very small and extremely discreet way to store and transport the CSR. They're just awesome and fun rifles, I highly recommend the CSR to anyone who just wants something different.





Here's my rifle at the clone shoot, the guy who's shooting my CSR in the last photo was absolutely in love with the rifle and wanted to buy it from me! He definitely shot it more than anyone else too. I've got an AAC SD on it right now, but that's going to be replaced with the SDN6 when I get the stamp for it. What a great looking rifle!



Since you like the Cadex chassis look, there's also some larger options available.

Here's the prototype PSR I recently sold, which I regret since it's a great rifle! I had Bartlein barrels for it, not the dog shit Remington barrels that cost them their contract. It's set-up with a .338 Lapua barrel in this pic. The coloration looks pretty close to the ones CAG was running. I like it this way, I hate the way they look in all FDE. Legit S&B PSR scope and an NSN marked SF silencer to bring everything together. I kept the scope and silencer, I didn't want to part with those pieces.


Here's my Mk15 Mod 1, it's as legit as you can possibly get. Every single part on it is contract overrun, including a very specific Cadex chassis that is Crane spec and not publicly available, and 1 of 4 known contract overrun McMillan Bros M88 SASR PIP receivers. I recently swapped out the PSR scope with a contract overrun S&B 3-27x56 High Power in an OPS AWP PSR mount. If you like the cadex look, you can't go wrong with one in .50 BMG!



@308Nomad, you said that you looked through the entire Precision Rifles photo thread, so you've seen some of these photos before. Here's a few pics that just have modern bolt action sniper rifles in them. You can see a few Cadex and Remington RACS chassis in it, and if that's what you like, then go for it! Cadex makes a great chassis and you can drop your favorite barreled action into it. Do what you want, have fun with it! Let me know if you want anymore pics of my CSR or any of these other rifles (except the PSR, that one is in a new home and the buyer absolutely loves it too!).



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@USMCSGT0331 gets it. The CSR was just cool. Great ideas just Remington quality issues. Was it the best rifle ever? Hell no, but for it's intended purpose it filled a void. If I could get cadex to make me a fore-end that was quick detatch I'd buy it in a heartbeat (I've asked several times too).
If you like it rock it. AI is not always the answer, yes awesome rifles but there are other options.
Hell I just bought a DRD paratus just for this reason. Something cool and weird. Just like desert techs, mkm mk2.5, and the hundreds of strange idea rifles that never made it.
By the way @USMCSGT0331 if you ever want to unload a CSR just let me know.
OP if you like it go for it. But know weird and cool ain't cheap. Lol
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@USMCSGT0331 gets it. The CSR was just cool. Great ideas just Remington quality issues. Was it the best rifle ever? Hell no, but for it's intended purpose it filled a void. If I could get cadex to make me a fore-end that was quick detatch I'd buy it in a heartbeat (I've asked several times too).
If you like it rock it. AI is not always the answer, yes awesome rifles but there are other options.
Hell I just bought a DRD paratus just for this reason. Something cool and weird. Just like desert techs, mkm mk2.5, and the hundreds of strange idea rifles that never made it.
By the way @USMCSGT0331 if you ever want to unload a CSR just let me know.
OP if you like it go for it. But know weird and cool ain't cheap. Lol

You nailed it! Some guns are just cool as hell, buy what you like and enjoy it! It's a great gun and it's probably the very last awesome firearm that Remington made before going into bankruptcy and turning into Rem Arms. I was talking to a buddy a few hours ago (he also has a CSR) and we both agreed that we would buy another CSR right now if they were offered to us. 2 is 1, 1 is none mentality, lol. I had to look up that DRD rifle, it looks pretty awesome! Similar concept to the CSR, just in semi auto.

I appreciate the offer on my CSR, but I'm never going to part with it. My buddy paid around $7k for his and I paid $12k for mine. Until recently my CSR was the only prototype in private hands. This was Tom Meyers personal rifle that he made for himself when he did the other prototypes for Remington, so it has a very strange serial number to reflect this aspect.

Not many people know this, but there are actually a few differences between the prototype CSR's and the civilian production ones. My prototype is actually the final design of the CSR and the civilian production CSR's are a few steps behind because Remington used the wrong information to produce them! Lol

I actually have some spare barrel extensions that fit the CSR/PSR/MSR, so I was think about doing a barrel in 6.5 Creedmoor or something in carbon fiber. A buddy of mine quoted me about $150 per barrel extension if I need to have more made. I might do that, since there's a few guys on this forum who have recently purchased MSR's from JFE and they're looking for parts.

That's some funny shit, I was just reading this article on the Covert when you posted that pic!

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Wasn't that the concept of the Badger Ordnance M134 and the Nemesis Arms Vanquish?

@USMCSGT0331 so... when are you adding the Barrett MK22 to the group pic?

The Badger just had a collapsible Manners stock, it's not a takedown rifle. The Nemesis Arms is a mini Windrunner and it just has a removable barrel, it doesn't even have a handguard. I remember reading some horror stories on here about guys who own the Vanquish, they all said it's an epic piece of shit. So, neither of those rifles are anything remotely close to the CSR.

Here's a good thread on how terrible those rifles are:


I'll eventually get a Mk22, but I'm currently in the middle of 20+ other rifle builds right now. I'm not making that number up, I quite literally have about 2 dozen rifles ready to be worked on. I have all the parts ready, I'm just waiting for multiple gunsmiths who specialize in each type of rifle (M40, Mk13, M14, etc.) to give me the green light on sending my parts out. This is an expensive hobby! Lol

Just saw in your profile that you're also in Minnesota! You should join us on our next clone shoot, I brought some extremely rare and unique guns to the shoot we just had!

Some pics of the shoot are on the 3rd page, including my CSR:

The Badger just had a collapsible Manners stock, it's not a takedown rifle.
Hey now it fits in a backpack 😏.

The Nemesis Arms is a mini Windrunner and it just has a removable barrel, it doesn't even have a handguard. I remember reading some horror stories on here about guys who own the Vanquish, they all said it's an epic piece of shit. So, neither of those rifles are anything remotely close to the CSR.

Here's a good thread on how terrible those rifles are:


I'll eventually get a Mk22, but I'm currently in the middle of 20+ other rifle builds right now. I'm not making that number up, I quite literally have about 2 dozen rifles ready to be worked on. I have all the parts ready, I'm just waiting for multiple gunsmiths who specialize in each type of rifle (M40, Mk13, M14, etc.) to give me the green light on sending my parts out. This is an expensive hobby! Lol

Just saw in your profile that you're also in Minnesota! You should join us on our next clone shoot, I brought some extremely rare and unique guns to the shoot we just had!

Some pics of the shoot are on the 3rd page, including my CSR:

I laugh a bit at the Vanquish since that has always been that oddball system I think of when talking about a takedown rifle. 20 builds sounds like a lot of projects yikes man.

I had a PWS MK1 with the concealment suitcase for a hot second. But I'm not much of a mil-collector, more power to yall.
I will just add in here as one of the other few CSR owners that I would sell everything else in my collection before I even thought of selling the CSR. What a lot of people tend not to realize is that the CSR was the Short Action and the MSR was the long action of the same design. It used a Titanium receiver so that no matter how many times you torque the barrel nut on and off the threading will not wear out. What that also means is that if you can get more barrel adapters, or just re-barrel what you have, then you can start to use it for 6.5 and other types of .308 bolt face rounds. Between all of those you can obviously have different barrel lengths and twist rates. So now you have an even more versatile system for whatever the job may be. The coating is supposed to be impervious to Infrared although I haven't tested that yet.

Now we come to the rarity. Personally I believe that someday these will be more legendary and desirable than the Walther WA2000, not to mention more rare. There were only 16 in the original prototype run (Serial Numbers starting with XC) (Gov contract (Navy) W15P7T13C0001). Those were 14.5 inch fast twist were not made available on the commercial market. It is also worth mentioning that the original batch used the XTSP MSR triggers while the later batches used a standard 700 style trigger.

The next batch of 15 made was 16 inch 1:10 twist barrels and only 4 overruns of those ended up at Europtic and were sold out the next day. A few month later Eurooptic ended up with a 4 more which were quickly sold out which I was told was from a third batch of 15 for an Undisclosed Customer. I have heard about 2-4 prototypes ended up in public hands as well after the Remington Bankruptcy. That means there is only about 12 of these (3 less than the 15 imported WA2000's) floating around in public hands and only about 46 total produced (130 less that the total 176 WA2000's produced globally) which most will stay in their respective units and agencies until being decommissioned someday.

Although previously stated its worth mentioning again that the CSR's were made for a very specific job. Urban combat, 300-400 yards, subsonic 220gr suppressed. The story I was told was that because Snipers had such a high bounty than the average solider they wanted a way to move around without advertising they were high value targets. They could set up somewhere and then pickup and leave and no one was the wiser. This however ends up being the perfect weapon for the motorcycle assassin. Combine that with a B&T VP9 and you have a serious operator.

Long story short, its not meant to be an Extreme Long Range or even a Long Range Rifle. But the Remington Defense Concealable Sniper Rifle will perform the job it was made to do. If you can find one, grab it.

The Remington Defense CSR - For Operations that never happened, In places that don't exist

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The armageddon gear roll bag they were shipped with, they came in a hard case.

The only picture from a military CSR I have ever found, taken from the badger ord instagram.
Screen Shot 2018-07-22 at 4.48.55 PM.png
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Hi guys, let me start off by saying thank you all for replying & contributing with your knowledge/opinion.​

I want to specially thank these:​




So far i have realized that i will most likley never be able to procure a true Remingtong CSR here in Norway...
My only possibility was CDX Seven : (But delivery time (6month) and price ( 7800 USD ) is not worth it, so i went for something else...


I didn't read the Bible written above but I've actually had a CSR, both the Remington and Surgeon, and they are good for what they are. They won't run with a full size gun but they are awesome for what they were built for. The RACS is absolutely overpriced (like more than twice what it's worth) but the idea behind the gun was solid.

Hi guys, let me start off by saying thank you all for replying & contributing with your knowledge/opinion.​

I want to specially thank these:​




So far i have realized that i will most likley never be able to procure a true Remingtong CSR here in Norway...
My only possibility was CDX Seven : (But delivery time (6month) and price ( 7800 USD ) is not worth it, so i went for something else...


View attachment 7932275
You might get a Cadex CPS in a shorter time frame. I think they are being discontinued though. They have the 4 lug vs the 3 lug bolt. I have one, it's one of my favourite rifles.

Hi guys, let me start off by saying thank you all for replying & contributing with your knowledge/opinion.​

I want to specially thank these:​




So far i have realized that i will most likley never be able to procure a true Remingtong CSR here in Norway...
My only possibility was CDX Seven : (But delivery time (6month) and price ( 7800 USD ) is not worth it, so i went for something else...


View attachment 7932275

Very nice! The new STARS chassis have not begun shipping yet but they are awesome. The Cadex stuff is top notch you won’t be disappointed.
I will just add in here as one of the other few CSR owners that I would sell everything else in my collection before I even thought of selling the CSR. What a lot of people tend not to realize is that the CSR was the Short Action and the MSR was the long action of the same design. It used a Titanium receiver so that no matter how many times you torque the barrel nut on and off the threading will not wear out. What that also means is that if you can get more barrel adapters, or just re-barrel what you have, then you can start to use it for 6.5 and other types of .308 bolt face rounds. Between all of those you can obviously have different barrel lengths and twist rates. So now you have an even more versatile system for whatever the job may be. The coating is supposed to be impervious to Infrared although I haven't tested that yet.

Now we come to the rarity. Personally I believe that someday these will be more legendary and desirable than the Walther WA2000, not to mention more rare. There were only 16 in the original prototype run (Serial Numbers starting with XC) (Gov contract (Navy) W15P7T13C0001). Those were 14.5 inch fast twist were not made available on the commercial market. It is also worth mentioning that the original batch used the XTSP MSR triggers while the later batches used a standard 700 style trigger.

The next batch of 15 made was 16 inch 1:10 twist barrels and only 4 overruns of those ended up at Europtic and were sold out the next day. A few month later Eurooptic ended up with a 4 more which were quickly sold out which I was told was from a third batch of 15 for an Undisclosed Customer. I have heard about 2-4 prototypes ended up in public hands as well after the Remington Bankruptcy. That means there is only about 12 of these (3 less than the 15 imported WA2000's) floating around in public hands and only about 46 total produced (130 less that the total 176 WA2000's produced globally) which most will stay in their respective units and agencies until being decommissioned someday.

Although previously stated its worth mentioning again that the CSR's were made for a very specific job. Urban combat, 300-400 yards, subsonic 220gr suppressed. The story I was told was that because Snipers had such a high bounty than the average solider they wanted a way to move around without advertising they were high value targets. They could set up somewhere and then pickup and leave and no one was the wiser. This however ends up being the perfect weapon for the motorcycle assassin. Combine that with a B&T VP9 and you have a serious operator.

Long story short, its not meant to be an Extreme Long Range or even a Long Range Rifle. But the Remington Defense Concealable Sniper Rifle will perform the job it was made to do. If you can find one, grab it.

The Remington Defense CSR - For Operations that never happened, In places that don't exist

View attachment 7928407

The armageddon gear roll bag they were shipped with, they came in a hard case.
View attachment 7928404

The only picture from a military CSR I have ever found, taken from the badger ord instagram.
View attachment 7928406
Ive got a CSR that I scored from a rem defense higher up. also snagged 2 barrel extensions. Been draggin my feet on gettin a 6.5 creed proof barrel made. I absolutely love my CSR. Its truly a special, awesome rifle. Itd probably take 20k for me to sell mine. Not gonna lie..

Edit: Nah 20k aint enough.
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After talking to one of the guys who originally worked on the Remington PSR/MSR/CSR rifles, I found out the CSR rifles actually take the PSR/MSR barrels and bolt heads! Since I have a PSR .338 Lapua Magnum bolt head and 26" .338LM prototype barrel (one-of-a-kind super fat carbon fiber wrapped Proof Research barrel, FDE cerakoted), I decided to try those putting those parts on my prototype CSR. To my surprise, the parts fit!

Here's my CSR with a prototype Proof Research carbon fiber 7.62x51mm barrel:


Here's my CSR with the prototype super fat wrapped Proof Research carbon fiber .338 Lapua Magnum barrel:


The .338LM rounds hand feed through the port in the receiver, and the shell casings eject cleanly back out the receiver port. No need to remove the bolt to feed the rounds or anything crazy like that. It probably took about 2 minutes to swap out the bolt head and barrel to the new caliber, so it's a very fast conversion! The 26" .338LM barrel is a little long for this rifle, but with extra barrel extensions, new CSR barrels can easily be made.

Since the Remington PSR has 3 different bolt heads (.308, .300WM., .338LM) and barrel extensions, the possibilities for new barrels in different calibers are near endless! This makes the Remington CSR a truly amazing and versatile rifle, especially with it's unique take-down capabilities!
After talking to one of the guys who originally worked on the Remington PSR/MSR/CSR rifles, I found out the CSR rifles actually take the PSR/MSR barrels and bolt heads! Since I have a PSR .338 Lapua Magnum bolt head and 26" .338LM prototype barrel (one-of-a-kind super fat carbon fiber wrapped Proof Research barrel, FDE cerakoted), I decided to try those putting those parts on my prototype CSR. To my surprise, the parts fit!

Here's my CSR with a prototype Proof Research carbon fiber 7.62x51mm barrel:

View attachment 8293478

Here's my CSR with the prototype super fat wrapped Proof Research carbon fiber .338 Lapua Magnum barrel:

View attachment 8293482

The .338LM rounds hand feed through the port in the receiver, and the shell casings eject cleanly back out the receiver port. No need to remove the bolt to feed the rounds or anything crazy like that. It probably took about 2 minutes to swap out the bolt head and barrel to the new caliber, so it's a very fast conversion! The 26" .338LM barrel is a little long for this rifle, but with extra barrel extensions, new CSR barrels can easily be made.

Since the Remington PSR has 3 different bolt heads (.308, .300WM., .338LM) and barrel extensions, the possibilities for new barrels in different calibers are near endless! This makes the Remington CSR a truly amazing and versatile rifle, especially with it's unique take-down capabilities!

Laughs in axmc....
I understand that this Rem csr was only made for SOCOM and SF and its impossible to buy, is there anything similar i can get ?
The closest thing to a CSR/MSR that you are going to get that is reasonable, is the Sig Coss, now that they are making prefit barrels for them.
Laughs in axmc....

Why "laugh in axmc"? Both rifles are awesome, but AI's are a dime a dozen and I want something unique. Both rifles have their place in our world and each have their own unique characteristics that make them special. For someone looking for something different, AI isn't always the answer. And the CSR's continue to appreciate in value.
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I spent some time behind an early Surgeon CSR prototype at a class taught by Pete Gould, Pete had taken that rifle down range when he was at USASOC and made recommendations to Surgeon that ended up in their final production version for the unit and I didn’t ask if he bought it from Surgeon but I got the impression that they just gave it to him. Anywho to make a short story long Pete explained the concept and function of the CSR between range sessions and he had a IIRC 14” 308 subsonic barrel that I think was a 7 twist and a 20” 308 barrel for M118LR, both barrels had wrench flats machined behind the muzzle threads and he could spin one barrel off and another one on in about a minute depending on the application needed. No special tools needed and he tightened the barrels barely past hand tight and said that he had tightened them just with his hands and saw no POI shift
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