i dusted off the ole 10-22 to let my girls shoot, and decided that its time for me to play with it a little also.. a friend of mine saw this, and he went out and picked up a 10-22 target model used at a gun show for a really great price.
we both noticed on his new to him used rifle, that at the range, if you mess with the trigger at all when the saftey is on, the rifle will fire when you take the saftey off.
thinking that there might be some crud in the trigger group, we took the trigger apart, thoroughly cleaned, and inspected it and all the springs in the disconnector and sear, and to us it doesnt look like anything is wrong.
after putting the rifle back together, it still does it, but only half as much as it used to, so we took it back apart, and used some 1000 grit sandpaper to polish the engagement surfaces on the hammer and sear, this did not help either, still half the time the rifle will fire after taking the saftey off.
is there anything else we could look at or check that might be causing this problem, or is this trigger assy trashed.. i would hate to change anything cause this is one nice trigger, it has almost no slop, and it breaks crisp and clean, at right around 2.5 pounds on my el cheapo pull gauge.
my advice to my friend was just use it like it is, and not to load the mag or charge the rifle untill he is ready to shoot,with the rifle pointed downrange, and not use the saftey at all. but i dont want it to develop into a worse situation in case the trigger is slowly degrading into something that might be unsafe..
we both noticed on his new to him used rifle, that at the range, if you mess with the trigger at all when the saftey is on, the rifle will fire when you take the saftey off.
thinking that there might be some crud in the trigger group, we took the trigger apart, thoroughly cleaned, and inspected it and all the springs in the disconnector and sear, and to us it doesnt look like anything is wrong.
after putting the rifle back together, it still does it, but only half as much as it used to, so we took it back apart, and used some 1000 grit sandpaper to polish the engagement surfaces on the hammer and sear, this did not help either, still half the time the rifle will fire after taking the saftey off.
is there anything else we could look at or check that might be causing this problem, or is this trigger assy trashed.. i would hate to change anything cause this is one nice trigger, it has almost no slop, and it breaks crisp and clean, at right around 2.5 pounds on my el cheapo pull gauge.
my advice to my friend was just use it like it is, and not to load the mag or charge the rifle untill he is ready to shoot,with the rifle pointed downrange, and not use the saftey at all. but i dont want it to develop into a worse situation in case the trigger is slowly degrading into something that might be unsafe..