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10.5” or 11.5” Barrel in SBR


Full Member
Jul 13, 2013
The Woodlands, TX
I know this is more of a “precision” rifle forum but I need some input. I am building another SBR and wanted to get the communities input.

Everything I read says an 11.5” barrel is more reliable (due to dwell times). I assume this is when you run a wide open gas block (non adjustable).

Alternatively, I see a lot of people saying that the 10.5” barrels have a larger gas port to allow more blowback. The down side is they can be over gassed.

Am I remiss is assuming the reliability and over gassing of a 10.5” barrel can be tuned out with an adjustable gas block?

What are your thoughts? 10.5 or 11.5? I shoot 50/50 suppressed/unsuppressed.

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I bought an assembled 10.5" upper a couple of years ago with Noveske barrel and their own non-adjustable gas block. It ran reliably but it was hard and overgassed. Since replacing the block with an SLR, its much more gentle and haven't had any issues since tuning the gas block. Some short stroking early on but no issues since tuned while running American Eagle 55gr and Freedom Munitions 77gr loads.

When I was deciding on 10.5 v 11.5 I read everything you have, I'm sure. Emotion almost always got involved and arguments ensued. Ultimately I knew some people I trusted, they told me what to do, and I haven't regretted it.

Side note: you really shoot an SBR unsuppressed 50% of the time? I did a couple of times to see what it was like and greatly prefer the silencer attached.
I bought an assembled 10.5" upper a couple of years ago with Noveske barrel and their own non-adjustable gas block. It ran reliably but it was hard and overgassed. Since replacing the block with an SLR, its much more gentle and haven't had any issues since tuning the gas block. Some short stroking early on but no issues since tuned while running American Eagle 55gr and Freedom Munitions 77gr loads.

When I was deciding on 10.5 v 11.5 I read everything you have, I'm sure. Emotion almost always got involved and arguments ensued. Ultimately I knew some people I trusted, they told me what to do, and I haven't regretted it.

Side note: you really shoot an SBR unsuppressed 50% of the time? I did a couple of times to see what it was like and greatly prefer the silencer attached.

Yes. But only in 3 gun. I like to run an SBR and don’t want the added length of a suppressor.

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I just got a complete upper, Daniel Defense V7s 11.5”
with standard carbine buffer.
It shot pretty hard with brass shooting out at 1:00 with
XM193. I recently installed an H2 buffer and now feels much better, with brass at 2:30-3:00.
SBRs interest me. Do most people assemble them from different parts? Or are there a few manufacturers that produce quality assembled SBRs? I'm not sure I have the engineering/mechanical competency to go thru the paces of putting one together myself.

Factory 10.5 LMT SBR. Rough on brass but has been 100% with all ammo types. Rarely gets a wipe done no less a cleaning.


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FWIW, I had both 10.5 and 11.5 Noveske's. The 11.5 was better than the 10.5 by quite a bit, I've since sold both. My BAD 14.5 w/ a mid-length gas system is not a whole heck of a lot longer, and it's WAY more accurate, softer shooting, and superior in every way, and I'm a short-gun nut! That's my opinion, worth exactly what ya paid fer it.
Your 14.5" is WAY more accurate?? Lol. You do know barrel length has nothing to do with accuracy and plays into velocity right? Any accuracy statements or opinions your making regarding barrel length come down to the specific barrels you were shooting, not their length..

I have a 10.3" Daniel Defense and a 10.5" WOA. Both are 5.56 1:7 barrels that shoot sub 0.5moa groups.

Here's a seating depth test from the Daniel Defense 10.3" barrel...


Here's a 7x5 target I shot at 100yds from my 10.5" Rainier Ultramatch 300blk SBR...


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Your 14.5" is WAY more accurate?? Lol. You do know barrel length has nothing to do with accuracy and plays into velocity right? Any accuracy statements or opinions your making regarding barrel length come down to the specific barrels you were shooting, not their length..

I have a 10.3" Daniel Defense and a 10.5" WOA. Both are 5.56 1:7 barrels that shoot sub 0.5moa groups.

Here's a seating depth test from the Daniel Defense 10.3" barrel...


Here's a 7x5 target I shot at 100yds from my 10.5" Rainier Ultramatch 300blk SBR...



Was the DD 10.3 chrome lined? Quite a specimen if so! I know CL tubes can shoot very well, but still impressive nonetheless they were able to complete a chrome lining job that precise.
Was the DD 10.3 chrome lined? Quite a specimen if so! I know CL tubes can shoot very well, but still impressive nonetheless they were able to complete a chrome lining job that precise.

It's this barrel. Bought it on the forum for $150 New while waiting for WOA to get me my 10.5" which was on backorder at the time. I now have both in separate uppers and they both shoot lights out!

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Kinda surprised you own a skinny CHF chrome lined AR padom.. seriously hah I always had the impression you were the type to go-for-broke on every single rifle, ie match barrels everytime. Then again I suppose that DD shows that with some good handloads, theres some chrome lined AR barrels out there that are serious shooters!
Very cool.
Kinda surprised you own a skinny CHF chrome lined AR padom.. seriously hah I always had the impression you were the type to go-for-broke on every single rifle, ie match barrels everytime. Then again I suppose that DD shows that with some good handloads, theres some chrome lined AR barrels out there that are serious shooters!
Very cool.

Honesty, I picked it up for cheap on PAFOA to hold me over while I waited the 6 week wait for my WOA.... I performed my normal new barrel load development and was just as surprised as you were with the results. It hammers with those 55 VMAX and H4895. 77's are still submoa but nothing like those 55VMAX.
Your 14.5" is WAY more accurate?? Lol. You do know barrel length has nothing to do with accuracy and plays into velocity right? Any accuracy statements or opinions your making regarding barrel length come down to the specific barrels you were shooting, not their length..

I have a 10.3" Daniel Defense and a 10.5" WOA. Both are 5.56 1:7 barrels that shoot sub 0.5moa groups.

Here's a seating depth test from the Daniel Defense 10.3" barrel...


Here's a 7x5 target I shot at 100yds from my 10.5" Rainier Ultramatch 300blk SBR...



Yes, as I said, my 14.5" is WAY more accurate. You can laugh at me all you want, I am simply reporting my experience.

I have heard the "shorter barrels are just as accurate" argument god knows how many times! I understand the argument that a shorter barrel should be stiffer, and suffer less barrel whip, and thereby, in theory be slightly more accurate. That may be the case for some people, and your results are very impressive, but that has not been my experience. And I have my doubts that your experience is the rule rather than the exception. Also, I don't see how your posting groups out of your 300 blackout is valid in any way, its a different caliber, and an entirely different animal. Super impressive groups though.

Honestly, I don't think there is very much good data out there on this subject. I think this is because most people don't put much effort into shooting their 10.5/11.5's for groups. How many guys shoot their 10.5 for groups at 100 yds with a red dot off a wobbly bench? 2 moa? good 'nuff its a room-clearing gun, and their right. The percentage of folks that even want, or care that their 10.5 is sub-moa has got to be incredibly small. Somebody should build several guns with the same parts and barrel manufacturers in different barrel lengths, and then shoot for accuracy, preferably an awesome shooter, off of a solid bench, and with good optics.

At the end of the day, I don't know if my bad experience with short barreled AR's was due to length or barrel make. Nor do I have the money, or inclination to find out. As is clearly stated in my original post, the 14.5" barrel is by Battle Arms Development. The 10.5" and 11.5" were both stainless Noveske barrels. All three were tested with the same PST 2.5-10X32. All three were wearing Geiselle SD-E triggers. All three had SLR adjustable gas-blocks. the 10.5 and 11.5 were full Noveske builds. The 14.5 is mostly a Battle Arms development build. All three were put together by Impact Guns in Ogden, UT. I could not get the Noveske's to shoot better than 1.5-2.0 MOA with any kind of factory ammo. The BAD build regularly shoots .75 MOA and occasionally better with good Hornady and Black Hills match stuff. That's my experience posted for free on the inter-web. Take it or leave it.
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I'm running Noveskes, a 7.5 diplomat and 10.5 CQB, barrels in my SBRs and very happy with reliablity and accuracy. Non adjustable gas block shooting suppressed and zero issues. Very easy to clean the polygonal barrels. Worth every penny.