It looks like a bunch of fun. I shot my Kimber a couple of weeks ago prone at 100 yards with the stock aperture sights. I managed to get all 25 in a sofball sized circle. Looking forward to doing it again soon.
Targets are NRA International 300 meter targets. A-33
1'' X ring.
10 shots fired for score at a total of 8 targets. Each target has a sighter plus 2 for score. 20 min. to shoot each target. Unlimited sighters.
Front rest and rear bag legal. Had some sling shooters also.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Terror!</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Any details on how the match is run? It looks like a variation of F-Class for rimfire. </div></div>