F T/R Competition 1000 yard match - 2/1 and 2/2 - camp Pendleton range range 117


Full Member
Mar 14, 2013
Los Angeles
1000 yard match

Simplified version - Get your rifle, be a US citizen, pre-register at the website, bring 80 rounds minimum per day. Know your zero or close to it for 1000 yards. Bring some food and water and spotting scope...a mat if you have one, some elbow pads, and give it a go....

Please watch the pits video in the santa Margarita gun club sub forum located on calguns. Pit service is required.

Day membership costs $5.00 - must have car insurance proof in car.

Now for the official blurb...

Santa Margarita Gun Club | This is a Non-Federal Entity. It is not part of the Department of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status.

Approved 1200 Point Aggregate High Power Long Range Rifle Tournament Program

Tournament Dates:

Any/Any 600 Point (3x1000) Sub-Aggregate; February 01, 2014

Any/Any 600 Point (3x1000) Sub-Aggregate; February 02, 2014

Tournament Sponsor & Address: Santa Margarita Gun Club, Inc; P.O. Box 4858, Oceanside, CA 92052-4858.

Range Location: Range 117A, Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, CA. Refer to SMGC web-site (Santa Margarita Gun Club | This is a Non-Federal Entity. It is not part of the Department of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status.) for Camp Pendleton vehicle entry requirements and detailed driving directions to the range.

Rules: National Rifle Assoc. (NRA) High Power Rifle Rules which are in effect on the tournament commencement date, apply.

Eligibility: Membership in the NRA is not required. Those persons who cannot legally participate in the shooting sports or who cannot enter a federal military reservation are not eligible to participate in this tournament. Participation does NOT automatically authorize entrance to MCB, Camp Pendleton, CA.

Range Facilities: Range 117A is a 10 point firing range. Limited sanitary facilities are available of the “Port-a-Potty” variety. There are no food or drink facilities, it is highly recommended that you bring bottled drinks (non-alcoholic) and/or non-perishable food items. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on or in the general vicinity of the firing lines.

Entries: Entries can be made using the attached registration form or by E-mail. Completed registration forms can be mailed to the Tournament Sponsor’s address. E-mail notification of registration will be accepted, see SMGC web-site for procedure.

Entries will be limited to 30 competitors for this tournament.

Entries Close: Entries close on the Tuesday immediately preceding the tournament. “Walk-In” entries may be accepted up to closing time of the Statistical Office on the day of the Match, at the discretion of the Match Director

Camp Pendleton security regulations require that SMGC notify the Military Police of non-DoD persons participating in shooting activities no later than 3 working days prior to the activity. This notification is made by SMGC based upon received competitor registrations. Entry onto Camp Pendleton may be denied those persons who do not comply with the advance entry notification requirement.

02- 01 02-02 Both Events

Pre-Registration SMGC Members, Military, Junior $25.00 $25.00 $50.00

Pre- Registration Non-SMGC Match participant $30.00 $30.00 $60.00
*There will be a $5.00 fee for walk-ons and non-preregistration.
** Includes NRA Approved Registration Fee of $4.50.

All competitors are required to be SMGC Members due to USMC range usage agreements. An assessment of $5.00 is included for Daily SMGC Membership in the entry fee. This assessment does not apply to Military or juniors.

Check-In Procedures: All competitors must check in at the Match Statistical Office for administrative processing. The Statistical Office will be open from 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM on the morning of the match.

Competitors are required to complete administrative processing, make payment of tournament fees, and receive their squading assignments before they can participate.

Santa Margarita Gun Club
The Santa Margarita Gun Club is not affiliated with the United States Government, the United States Marine Corps, the United States
Department of the Navy, or any other branch of the United States military and armed forces.

Range Safety & Environmental Briefing: After completion of administrative processing, all competitors must report to the designated yard line not later than 8:00 AM to attend the mandated range safety and environmental briefing. Competitors not attending the mandated briefing will not be allowed to compete. Entry fees will be refunded less a $10.00 processing charge.

Target Pullers: The SMGC does not provide target pullers. All competitors will take turns performing this service.

Classifications: The NRA High Power Rifle Classification System will be used for this tournament. An Assigned Classification (Rule 19.6) or a Temporary

Classification (Rule 19.4) may be used, if applicable.
Non-NRA members and NRA members who are unclassified or cannot provide classification information will compete in the Master Class.

Spotting Scopes: Competitors may use scopes for spotting fired shots and scoring purposes only.

Safety Equipment: Hearing Protection, Eye Protection, and Empty Chamber Indicators (ECI) or Empty Chamber Flags are mandatory.

Other Equipment: Cloth, canvas or leather shooting jackets may be used.

Standard military-issue web or leather slings or slings of this same type are permitted. Shooting gloves or mitts, ground cloths or shooting mats may be used. Shooting kits may be placed on the firing line provided they are not forward of the competitor or the firing line and do not interfere with other competitors.

Courses of Fire:

Any/Any Long Range 3x1000 Yard Match – 02-01, 2014

1000 Yds
Unlimited sighters - all shots off in 30 Min

600 Point Sub-Aggregate60 Shot High Power Long Range Course Match

Any/Any Long Range 3x1000 Yard Match – 02-02, 2014

1000 Yds
Unlimited sighters
20 shots for record
30 Min to get all shots in

600 Point Sub-Aggregate 60 Shot High Power Long Range Course Match

1200 Point Aggregate 100 Shout High Power Long Range Course Match

Santa Margarita Gun Club

The Santa Margarita Gun Club is not affiliated with the United States Government, the United States Marine Corps, the United States
Department of the Navy, or any other branch of the United States military and armed forces.

Match Start Time: 08:00 AM,

Targets: NRA Official Targets will be used (Rule 7.15).

Rifle Types Allowed: Service, Match, Tactical, or “F-Class” Rifle. Rifles that exceed their appropriate NRA specifications will be disqualified; scores fires disallowed, and match fees forfeit.

Sights: Metallic, Service Optic, Telescopic, or Any (Rule 3.1(f) and 3.7 applies). Service Rifles using sights other than metallic will be classed on an individual basis.

Ammunition: Competitors must supply their own ammunition. Any safe center-fire ammunition, up to and including 7.62mm (.308 caliber), may be used.

Ammunition exceeding 7.62mm (.308) must be authorized by the Match Director prior to firing. Tracer, incendiary, or armor piercing ammunition is prohibited – Rule 3.17(b).

Sighting Shots: Sighting shots are allowed for each Match and may be taken at shooter’s option. Sighters must be declared and recorded before “record shots” are fired. Sighting shots not taken will be recorded as an “M” in the spaces reserved for Sighting Shots on the scorecard.

Challenges: A fee of $2.00 is required and payable upon requesting the challenge. If the challenge is denied, the fee will be forfeit.

Categories and Classes for Aggregate and Individual Match Awards

Separate rifle categories will be established. If there less than 5 entries in a rifle type category, then that category will be combined into another category at the Match Director’s discretion.
Separate competitor categories (Service, Civilian, etc.) will be established. If there are less than 5 competitors in a specific competitor category (i.e., Service, Civilian, etc), then that category will be combined with another category until there are at least 5 competitors in the combined category.

F-Class competitors will be classed separately regardless of the number of entries.

Match Winners: Awards will be given. All awards are furnished by the Santa Margarita Gun Club

Awards: Prize money will be awarded using the following criteria regardless of competitor category or equipment type:

 1st Place for overall aggregate score = TBA

 2nd Place for overall aggregate score = TBA

 3rd Place for overall aggregate score = TBA

Official recognition of the overall tournament classification winners will be recorded in the tournament bulletin for the total tournament aggregate score regardless of competitor category or equipment type.

Official recognition of the match winners will be recorded in the tournament bulletin for matches 1-6. Separate recognition will be given for the equipment type.