104 Angles When Shooting


money hater
Full Member
Jun 19, 2013
Frederick, CO
There was a comment in this episode that confused me. It was something to the effect of “... the Really Right Stuff rail, or Arca-Swiss rail if you wanna half-ass it, there is a difference...”

Arca-Swiss is the original and Really Right Stuff makes (awesome) Arca-Swiss compatible gear, so I’m confused why the mention of Arca-Swiss has “half-ass” in the equation. Kinda atypical for something Swiss if you ask me. Has RRS changed that dovetail design in a significant way, somehow improved it but kept compatibility?

Maybe it’s like comparing a Remington 700 action to any of the precision custom actions with the same footprint?
RRS holds really tight tolerances (hence the cost). Generic ARCA rails can vary, drastically. It doesn't matter to most of the camera folks (where it originated) if they have to tighten/loosen the clamp between different rails (that are attached to equipment). But when switching bi-pods, tri-pods, LRF's and various other mounts in a shooting situation that is under a time constraint, screwing around with adjusting a clamp to get it to lock firmly is no bueno.
The RRS Dovetail is different from an Arca Swiss, and the RRS fits both specs.

But if you talk to RRS they are very specific to say, their Dovetail is not a true Arca Swiss spec.

A lot of people are just copying the Arca Swiss Spec vs going out and determining how RRS does it differently.

Call Really Right Stuff they can explain, needless to say, it's different