1242 yards and 1 mile with pics

Captain Kirk

Roberts Tactical Precison
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Did some testing with the I.R.I.S. remote target lights today. We wanted to test the limitations of the remote control distance, and get some shooting in at the same time, R&D at is finest. First target was at 1242 yards, this proved to be nearly as tricky as the 1 mile target with the conditions, wind was 10-15 and very switchy. Impacts were easy to see with the IRIS lights, once we all got a few on target (there was a few 1st round hits), we moved on to the mile. Winds again at 10-15, so we started with the 338 Edge rifles, one from R Bros and the 2nd from Benchmark Barrels, both shooting Berger 300gr Hybrids. Once again, hits were easy to spot with the lights, so we decided to try the smaller match rifles. We were all four able to get hits, 0ne 260 DPMS gas gun, one Benchmark barreld 243 Sako TRG, one 243AI form R Bros, and a 6.5x47L fromR Bros, with an impressive first round hit @ a mile! Here are a few pics of the day. It tool most of our rifles 5+ mils of wind, flight time nearly 4 seconds. Impacts were impossible to see on steel with the smaller calibers, we were relying on the light indicator, misses could be seen on occasion since we just cleared the area around the target. Right at around 300 flbs of energy @ 1 mile, there is not much to see.

view from target to the firing line

setting up the mile target and IRIS remote lighing system (upper left)

impacts @ 1 mile

pristine "magic bullet" found near the mile target

short video of the IRIS remote lights (1 mile upper right, 1242 lower left)

Kirk Roberts
Roberts Tactical Precision
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Oh I bet the "wind" can be a mother around there!!!!!

Sure can, and it was. I had around 5 mils left dialed, you pretty much needed to send a round and run the bolt durring the nearly 4 second flight time of the 243 (115 DTACs), get a promp correction and immediatley send a round before conditions changed. It is interesting to see the 6 and 6.5s get there, the 6mm's were still supersonic, 115s running 3K+. It looked like the 6.5s were sub since impacts were slightly less consistant.