Hey guys I'm fixing to purchase a new rifle and was wanting some help from y'all. I'm looking at the Savage 93R17 trr or the Marlin xt17. which do you think would be the better rifle as far as quality and accurracy goes? thanks for your help, Travis
I have a Savage 93R .17HMR and I'm pretty happy with it. The savage has the benefit of the accu trigger. I haven't had any experience with the marlin so I can't help you there. The only thing about the savage that I have is that the factory stock is a little light for a bull barrel gun. Savage is making tacticool models now that I have thought about buying. They come with a look a like MCM A5 stock, threaded barrel, and a few other features. If I wasn't saving for an M40A5, one of these would be on my list:
The savage .17 that I have now is a tack driver @ 100 yds. Savage is pretty good quality too. Also, you can buy after market 10 rd mags for the savage, I don't know if marlin has that option.
Thanks guys for the response. The one I was looking at is the one with the tacticool stock and multiple rail system. I can get this one for 430.00 so I will probably go with it. thanks agin guys.
My Savage 93 is accurate out to 400 yards, so i would go with that again if I need another. Beyond 400 you are gridding artillery fire. When shooting steel out that far the shot splashes on the metal were touching which I was extremely happy with.
marlins older guns were alot better quality than todays variants. I would go with the savage. I have owned several and just finished a short barreled build. i couldn't be happier with the performance of these rifles