I bought a US Property marked Remington 40x barreled action, sans trigger, from Jpretle here on the hide (good guy to deal with). This gun was a CMP gun and made in 1961. I had a Roy Dunlap stock (pretty famous Gunsmith back in the day) that I got at auction and needed a 40x for it. The Dunlap stock is a huge laminated thing, and reeks of vintage small bore. The receiver is skim coated in some lime green type epoxy/fiberglass/plastic/acraglass type of bedding material. I have a match trigger I'm waiting to receive so I dropped a take-off Remington 700 trigger in it with some ground off screws for trigger pins. Dropped the barreled action in the stock and put a vintage Remington 3200 20x fine cross hair with dot scope on it. I grabbed some SK Standard practice ammo (good ammo but not top of the line) and thought I'd get a rough idea of how this 1961 work horse would shoot. Well, 1/4 moa is not to shabby for this cobbled together creation. I am impressed. This 40x even has the lighter weight tapered target barrel. I can't think of a harder reticle to see on a black small bore target than a fine cross hair.