1st time found or seen these reloading Range Brass and I have processed and loaded buckets full . Who the hell shoots this stuff ?
Found a 9mm AMMOLOAD Case in the last batch of brass I processed yesterday . I always try to make conscience effort peak inside all Primed & mouthed Cases that are in the load-tray before dropping powder in them .
Also pretty weird it was only one found in this bucket . Strange to look inside one Brass and see the lower inside Case is double-walled . Culled it out and moved on .
Found a 9mm AMMOLOAD Case in the last batch of brass I processed yesterday . I always try to make conscience effort peak inside all Primed & mouthed Cases that are in the load-tray before dropping powder in them .
Also pretty weird it was only one found in this bucket . Strange to look inside one Brass and see the lower inside Case is double-walled . Culled it out and moved on .