Del Norte Gun Club, New Mexico is hosting a two day match September 9th, and 10th.
Located Northwest of Albuquerque New Mexico, the match will take place on the the club's outback range. With more than 50 targets set in natural terrain, the course of fire will incorporate stages with targets from 175-1150 yards, and fields of fire of over 120 degrees. Round count for the match will be 160-180.
The range will also be open with steel for drop verification and zeroing the afternoon of the 8th. We will hold some side matches that day to support the ROs over the weekend.
There won’t be a prize table for this match, but we will be running a high/low payout pot. But it will be a great time time and end with a catered lunch. The match is $45 ($25 for the club and $20 for the high low pot) and the cost for lunch will be $15. We are limited to 40 shooters, and the registration is open now at practiscore.
Located Northwest of Albuquerque New Mexico, the match will take place on the the club's outback range. With more than 50 targets set in natural terrain, the course of fire will incorporate stages with targets from 175-1150 yards, and fields of fire of over 120 degrees. Round count for the match will be 160-180.
The range will also be open with steel for drop verification and zeroing the afternoon of the 8th. We will hold some side matches that day to support the ROs over the weekend.
There won’t be a prize table for this match, but we will be running a high/low payout pot. But it will be a great time time and end with a catered lunch. The match is $45 ($25 for the club and $20 for the high low pot) and the cost for lunch will be $15. We are limited to 40 shooters, and the registration is open now at practiscore.

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