Told you guys something good was coming for the S5s this Spring, but I guess technically I got to release at the end of Winter.
Title pretty much says it all, MIL or MOA, 3-18x or 5-25x, it doesn't matter. You order an S5 and I'll send a set of 15x Conquest HDs with it at no charge.
I've been a big fan of these scopes since release, and they're at the very top of my list. These are on my personal precision rifles, as a testament to how much I like em....and I'm not one for ballin' out usually.
This runs through May 15th. I've got inventory of all options currently, although admittedly not a ton. Any backorders would be days, not weeks.
Thanks, let me know if anyone has questions!
Told you guys something good was coming for the S5s this Spring, but I guess technically I got to release at the end of Winter.
Title pretty much says it all, MIL or MOA, 3-18x or 5-25x, it doesn't matter. You order an S5 and I'll send a set of 15x Conquest HDs with it at no charge.

ZEISS LRP S5 318-50 (Includes Free Conquest HD 15x56 Binocular) Limited Time Offer
ZEISS LRP S5 318-50. Includes Free Pro Series Throw Lever and Billet Level./ Take 25% off ring and mounts. Includes Free Shipping!

ZEISS LRP S5 525-56 (Includes Free Conquest HD 15x56 Binocular) Limited Time Offer
ZEISS LRP S5 525-56. Includes Free Pro Series Throw Lever and Billet Level. Take 25% of rings and mounts with purchase. Free Shipping!

I've been a big fan of these scopes since release, and they're at the very top of my list. These are on my personal precision rifles, as a testament to how much I like em....and I'm not one for ballin' out usually.
This runs through May 15th. I've got inventory of all options currently, although admittedly not a ton. Any backorders would be days, not weeks.
Thanks, let me know if anyone has questions!