2018 Factoryville Sportsmen's Club Long Range Day (LRD)


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Jul 19, 2008
Hello Shooters,

Factoryville Sportsmen’s Club (FSC) will have its 6th year of Long Range Day (LRD) in 2018. Dates of the shoots are: April 28, May 26, June 23, July 28, Aug 25, Sept 29,

Shooting starts at 8:00 am, ends at Noon. Come earlier for setting up gear and registration, Come and leave anytime in between.

Fee: $15.00 Club Members / $20.00 Non-Members / Spectators, spotters & curious FREE

There will be 4 “sessions” of fire, with an approximate 15 minute cease fire in between to reset / paint / post targets. Session #1 8:00-8:45, Session #2 9:00-9:45, Session #3 10:00-10:45, Session #4 11:00-12:00.

Various sized Steel targets (KYL style) at multiple distances out to 427Y, shoot for fun or for score.

Bolt action, Semi auto, single shot rifles, shotguns, muzzleloaders, pistols. No full auto. All muzzle devices welcome. .50 cal OK, but bring your own steel or shoot paper. No steel core, armor piercing, incendiary, or tracers allowed for any caliber or gauge.

To spice up the COF, we will try to employ a 3gunish stage (long gun, pistol, shotgun) sometime this season, perhaps as early as May – the NE Pa. weather delayed the incorporation of it, it’s about 75% in place as of this posting.

For COF, scorecards, general rules, match results, and the latest and greatest info / alerts / discussions - like, join, follow on Facebook LRD group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/986239014763951/

Directions and other information available on the FSC website: http://fscweb.org/

There are 2 parking areas, due to weather and grounds conditions, the upper lot may be closed off and the lower lot may be the only parking available. We will shuttle your stuff up via UTV if need be, along with assisting anyone with physical challenges.

THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT OVER THE LAST FEW YEARS! Hope to see you again and also to make some new friends in 2018.
Just a reminder that this Saturday, 26 May 18, we'll have our second shoot of the season, with shooting starting at 8:00am.

It appears a 3gun style stage isn't going to become a reality due to a few things.

Keep in mind that with the amount of rain we've had, there is a good possiblility that we'll have as much mud as last month, so the upper parking area next to the firing line may be closed off, leaving the bottom parking open. Will shuttle equipment with the UTV as necessary.

There's a possibility of precipitation on Saturday, so prepare for that, in the event of a washout please check the Facebook group the evening before for any cancelation. https://www.facebook.com/groups/986239014763951/

The April LRD shoot had 24 total participants, equaling 19 shooters (11 members, 8 non members) and 5 spotters / spectators. There was 1 Junior and 6 new shooters to the sport, including a woman who had never shot a rifle before that hit 5 out of 5 targets at 427yards.

Hope to see you there, if not have a safe Memorial Day and please remember what the day is for.
Hello shooters,

Just a reminder we'll have a Long Range Day shoot at Factoryville Sportsmen's Club this Saturday 23 Jun 18.

Going hot at 8:00am - Noon. It appears things have finally dried out enough to open the top parking area near the firing line.

For the latest and greatest on any changes please refer to the LRD Facebook group:

There's also a bit of a survey there and located on the scorecards in order to help with getting momentum for expanding Long Range Day hours / day(s) during the week. Please give it a look if you have a moment.

The May LRD shoot had 15 total participants, breaking out to 14 shooters (7 members, 7 non members) and 1 spotter / spectator. There was 1 Junior and 3 new shooters to the event.
Hello shooters,

Just a reminder we'll have our 4th shoot of the season this Saturday, 28 Jul 18 8:00am-1200.

For Club members the Long Range portion of the FSC Club Championship will start around 10:00am, we'll have a bench reserved at that time and specially colored targets for that use.

The June LRD shoot had 14 participants that dodged rain showers throughout the morning. There were 13 shooters (5 members, 9 non-members including 1 Jr.) and 1 spectator.

For the latest and greatest on any changes please refer to the LRD Facebook group:

As a pilot / trial to expand the Long Range hours, there is an additional opening of it on July 25, Aug 23, Sep 27 from 8:00 - 10:00am for club members ....a baby step but one in the right direction
Just a reminder this Saturday, Aug 25 from 8:00am to noon we'll conduct our 5th of 6 shoots of the year.

With only Aug & Sept remaining this season, the LRD Season Championship trophies are in....Highest scoring TMM & Bench COF shooters get a plaque and pin, 2nd and 3rd get a pin, first through third also get a frameable certificate. For fairness, as being match director and shooting all the matches I'm taking myself out of the points lead on the TMM.

If there is a locked in winner after August awards will be presented at the September shoot please don't leave without your awards. If too close to call please don't leave without or making sure I have contact / mailing info to get them to you.

The July 28 2018 LRD shoot tied this season’s high of 24 participants (10 member and 12 non-member shooters plus 2 spotter / spectators). There were also 2 juniors that shot the COF, and 3 new shooters to the event. The Long Range Club Championship portion was shot of which Russ Cowher took the top spot.

Also a reminder the Long Range will be open for a practice / zeroing session Thursdays before the regular shoot (Aug 23 and Sept 27) 8:00-10:00am for club members.

After much thought and with a heavy heart I’ve come to a decision that after nearly 7 years and gallons of blood sweat and tears, 2018 will be my last season as match director for Long Range Day. As there is a long “off season” there is ample time to get a person (or persons) interested who is a club member or a future club member up to speed on putting on the shoots, just send me an email or PM for details.

plaques and pins.jpg
Hello shooters,

This Saturday, Sep 29, will be our last shoot of the season starting at 8:00am - noon.

For those that shot for score throughout the year, we'll also be naming this year's LRD Champion, 1st place in Bench and Tactical marksman getting a trophy plaque, pin, and certificate, with 2nd and 3rd place in both divisions receiving a pin and certificate. Both division winners are mathematically still not locked in until the final scores are turned in and compiled.

Hopefully we'll continue the string of shootable weather on LRD Saturdays, if there is any change or cancellation it'll be posted on the Fbook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/986239014763951/

The August 25 2018 LRD shoot had 18 participants (8 member and 10 non-member shooters). 2 shooters that traveled from outside of Philly were 1st time visitors to the club and event, had good feedback about both, and appreciated a place where they can get shoot at further distances than available to them.

Being my last shoot as match director I have been approached by a few people that may be interested in running the matches next year, but as of today nothing concrete. The scheduling meeting for next year's events happens in October, so time is of the essence for anyone that interested to make the decision.
Hello shooters,

Results of the Sept 2018 shoot along with some year to date and life of the event metrics and statistics.

The Long Range Shoot held on 29 Sept 18 had 21 participants: 18 shooters (10 members, 8 non-members including 1 Jr.)
and 3 spectators. 3 new shooters joined in the event, including a shooter from New Jersey and 2 from Lord’s Valley. The
season championship was decided, champs are:

Bench Course: 1st place Waldemar Rychlik, 2nd place bill Kozuck, 3rd place Kurt Bloxham
Tactical Marksman Course: 1st place Damien Larue, 2nd place Don Carroll. As being match director I took myself out of the running.

In the 2018 season we had 106 shooters plus 10 spectators / spotters for a total of 116 participants. There were 19 new
shooters to the event including 2 ladies and 6 junior shooters. A total of 50 club members and 54 non members attended
the shoots this season.

Over the 6 years of the event: 32 SHOOTS we had 510 total entries and had 47 spectators for a grand total of 557
participants, 121 being new shooters to the event, 23 juniors and 6 women averaging 16 shooters per event over its life.
Through the event, the Club also gained 13 new members.

We had a highest attendance of 27 shooters in 2017, and the lowest of 4 back in 2014 when there was a good bit of rain.

The event came a long way since the pilot shoot in September of 2012 and the 6 seasons that followed, the firing line and target count grew to meet the growth in long range shooting and can still grow further to meet the demand. I’d like to thank everyone that supported the shoots and especially Russ Cowher, Bill Kozuck, John Joyce, and Kurt Bloxham for the extra efforts they put into getting the shoots to where they are today.

As by now it's no secret that I'm no longer going to be the primary Match Director for the event....I don't know what the future of the event will hold for next year but will let everyone know any developments.

As the event grows and has even more potential for success I'd like to believe I'm turning over the keys to an successful event and have taken it about as far as I could with the resources available.

I know I'll miss running it and tinkering with all the neat toys brought out to the firing line but above all of that I'll miss all of YOU the shooting community for the types of fellowship and memories of the folks met along the way that events like this create.