I know y'all love some Harleys. This is my neighbor's bike. She's pro-2A but isn't perfect... she impulse bought this bike and was kind of swindled by the dealer sales guy who wouldn't let her even sit on it to get a feel for it. I'm helping her sell it. I'd buy it myself but I really don't like baggers. Asking $17K for a bike that cost $20K and only has 120 miles. It's got a couple easy fix imperfections and it runs/rides perfectly. It's basically a new bike. Title in hand.
Pictures/video: https://www.cycletrader.com/listing/5015554644
2019 Harley-Davidson FLHC Heritage Classic 107”
Color: Black (with pinstripes)
VIN: 1HD1YAJ28KB045454
Purchase Price: $20,599
Mileage: 110 (Yes. One Hundred Ten)
This Heritage was purchased by a female rider who was unfortunately unable to get comfortable with the size and weight of this particular model. It has 120+ miles. It has been stored in a garage and covered and has never been ridden in the rain.
Delivery available within 100 miles of Atlanta at no additional cost (after in-person purchase terms are met, as noted below).
All stock parts are available and included in the sale. No engine, exhaust, or tune modifications done.
- Harley's Reach seat designed for shorter riders
- Oberon adjustable brake and clutch levers (top quality stuff)
- LED brake light that blinks when brakes are applied
- Smoke turn signal covers (front)
- Red turn signal covers (rear)
- LED turn signals (front and rear)
There are two known imperfections on the bike – the first is a scratch on the edge of the windshield itself and the second is a mark/small dent on one of the fog lights. All easy to forget about. These imperfections were caused accidentally while walking the bike from its garabge parking space. There are no mechanical issues – it has not even completed break-in and, aside from those imperfections, is effectively a new bike.
Test Ride Rules:
No joyrides. Test rides will only be permitted with verified real CASH in hand in the amount of the full asking price, a signed legal purchase agreement that you agree to purchase the motorcycle if you damage it in any way, and a photo of your valid driver's license with a motorcycle endorsement. You also must also demonstrate experience riding heavy cruisers.
Payment Options:
This is a private owner sale. No dealer or reseller assistance offers please.
Pictures/video: https://www.cycletrader.com/listing/5015554644
2019 Harley-Davidson FLHC Heritage Classic 107”
Color: Black (with pinstripes)
VIN: 1HD1YAJ28KB045454
Purchase Price: $20,599
Mileage: 110 (Yes. One Hundred Ten)
This Heritage was purchased by a female rider who was unfortunately unable to get comfortable with the size and weight of this particular model. It has 120+ miles. It has been stored in a garage and covered and has never been ridden in the rain.
Delivery available within 100 miles of Atlanta at no additional cost (after in-person purchase terms are met, as noted below).
All stock parts are available and included in the sale. No engine, exhaust, or tune modifications done.
- Harley's Reach seat designed for shorter riders
- Oberon adjustable brake and clutch levers (top quality stuff)
- LED brake light that blinks when brakes are applied
- Smoke turn signal covers (front)
- Red turn signal covers (rear)
- LED turn signals (front and rear)
There are two known imperfections on the bike – the first is a scratch on the edge of the windshield itself and the second is a mark/small dent on one of the fog lights. All easy to forget about. These imperfections were caused accidentally while walking the bike from its garabge parking space. There are no mechanical issues – it has not even completed break-in and, aside from those imperfections, is effectively a new bike.
Test Ride Rules:
No joyrides. Test rides will only be permitted with verified real CASH in hand in the amount of the full asking price, a signed legal purchase agreement that you agree to purchase the motorcycle if you damage it in any way, and a photo of your valid driver's license with a motorcycle endorsement. You also must also demonstrate experience riding heavy cruisers.
Payment Options:
This is a private owner sale. No dealer or reseller assistance offers please.
- Financing: Harley Rider to Rider Program (or your own brick and mortar bank)
- Payment Types Accepted: Cash or Bank/HD Loan Check (validated at bank)
- Payment Types Not Accepted: Counterfeit Bills, Personal Check, PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, or similar e-payments
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