2022 SHOT Show: Day 2 (Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022)

ELR researcher

Full Member
Mar 30, 2011
2022 SHOT Show: Day 2 (Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022)

1. NNs/nothing new exhibitors (recall that if a company recently announced, prior to the start of SHOT, those announcements are NOT included here) – AAC, Accuate Mag, Accu-Tac Precision Bipods, ADG, Athlon, B&T USA, Carbon Six, CROM, Cutting Edge, Eotech, Fort Scott Munitions, Garmin (with AB), GRS Stocks, Hawkins Precision, Oakwood Controls, Pacific Tool & Gauge, Precision Armament, Protektor, Safety Harbor, Safran Optics 1, SBR Ammunition, Snowy Mountain, Trigger Tech, Victrix, and US Optics.

2. Advanced Shooting Analytics (update) - the high-end scope manufacturer previously referred to is Tangent Theta.

3. AG Composites - was showing their new "Carbon K2" stock; pricing and specs at https://agcomposites.com/stock/13/ag-carbon-k2

4. Bix 'n Andy (Bullet Central booth) - was showing the new "Dakota" model trigger for the Sako Model 85 (link - https://www.bulletcentral.com/product/bixn-andy-dakota-trigger-sako-85-top-right-safety/)

5. Black Hound Optics - was showing their scope lines, including the "Emerge" 3-24x56 and 4-32x56 in MOA or mil; info, pics, and pricing at https://www.blackhoundoptics.com/blackhound-emerge/

6. Griffin Armament - introduced the "Bushwacker 36" 338 LM-capable suppressor, not yet on their website; available now, MSRP: $TBD

7. Harris Bipods - was showing a sample bipod with MLOK-attach, this feature will be available on S-BR, S-BR2, S-L, and S-L2 models

8. Ivey Shooting - I spoke with Stephen Ivey about his upcoming "Adjustable Riser Rail" (imagine their current 200 MOA/60 MRAD scope mount with an integral 0 MOA/0 MRAD Pic rail in place of scope rings - intended to provide improved scope objective-to-barrel clearance on long barrel ELR rifles; there will be color options(as is the case with the current integrated-rings models); pricing will be the same as current models, available by Summer. Pics to follow.

9. Parker-Trutec - has added an improved nitriding process, "Isonite Li2 Fe3", data at https://www.parkertrutec.com/service/isonite-li2fe3-nitriding/

10. Stealth Vision - was showing their new "SVX 5-30x56" scope, Japanese glass, 34mm tube, 100 MOA elevation; details, pics, and pricing at https://stealthvision.com/products/scope

11, (the New) Stiller - I spoke with Derrick Ratliff, VP of Ratliff Traditions, dba Horizon Firearms, the new owners of Stiller Actions; he mentioned the current development of a new 338 LM-capable action (lighter and more focused on hunting), and an updated "TAC DRIVER" (previously-identified TAC 408) action (with integrated recoil lug and optional integrated Pic rail - the continuation of the current 1.450 model is being assessed since most purchasers are opting for the 1.600 version). He further noted that they are making large investments in equipment and facilities, including moving to a new plant later this year - the focus being on drastically reducing lead times.

12. US Arms - was showing their just-released .50 BMG muzzle brake (94% decrease in recoil with only a 1" shift in point-of-aim at 1000 yards, see your vapor trail right up to the target; MSRP: approx $1500, video shows quite severe concussive wave - welcome to effective .50 BMG bakes; a "universal" model to support 338 LM thru .416 Barrett by late '22/early '23. Pics to follow.
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