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2024 Christmas gift thread (#2)! Please read instructions to participate!


Full Member
  • Mar 23, 2013
    ***This thread is for your entry into the Christmas gift giveaway. I started another thread where we can have a discussion about this gift thread, it's also posted in the Vintage Section. Please go to that thread to ask questions or make comments about this thread.***

    Gentlemen, last year I had a Christmas gift thread and it seems like everyone enjoyed it, so I'm going to do it again! I pulled 33 lucky items out of my collection and I'm going to be giving them away to 33 lucky Sniper's Hide members! If we hit 5 pages, I'll also donate $500 to the Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation (the donation will be from everyone who is participating in this Christmas gift thread). I thought about starting this thread earlier, but a Christmas gift thread should be around Christmas, not a "half the month December gift thread," lol.

    Here's the thread rules, please read them carefully before posting in this thread:

    ● This is not a discussion thread, so please do not deviate from what you're supposed to post here, or you'll be disqualified

    ● All you have to do to participate in this thread is make 1 single post with the word "M40" in it

    ● Each Sniper's Hide member only gets 1 post in this thread, you will be disqualified if you make multiple posts

    ● If you post anything other than the word "M40" in your single post, you will be disqualified

    ● Only Sniper's Hide accounts created yesterday (Dec. 22, 2024) and prior are able to participate. This is to prevent random people coming to this forum and creating new accounts with the hopes of winning something. It also ensures that only current members of our community are eligible to participate

    ● You can enter a single post in this thread at anytime between when I make this first post and midnight (12am Central) on Christmas Day (December 25, 2024). Any posts made after this time will be disqualified (I'll do my best to login at that time and make a cutoff post)

    ● When you make your single post in this thread, there will be a post number assigned to it by the forum system. This number is your identification number and it will be used in the random number generator. This is why it's so important to only make 1 single post in this thread

    Here's how I'll choose the winners:

    ● I'll vett all of the posts and record any disqualifying posts

    ● I'll use a random number generator to draw numbers and I'll post the results so that everyone can see the randomly chosen numbers

    ● The random number generator will run the entire range of post numbers in this thread

    ● The 1st number drawn will win the 1st gift, the 2nd number drawn will win the 2nd gift, etc. and will continue in this order for all 33 gifts

    ● I'll have the random number generator choose more than 33 numbers, even though there are only 33 gifts. This is to ensure that I have enough numbers drawn in case any of the numbers link up to a disqualified post. In the event that a number is disqualified, I'll move down the number list to the next number

    ● Once the first 33 randomly selected qualifying numbers are matched up with their respective gifts, I'll reach out to the people who made those posts and get their shipping information (no one needs to contact me, I'll contact the winners)

    I'm not affiliated with Sniper's Hide in any way, I'm just doing this because I thought that it would be awesome(and last year's Christmas gift thread was extremely successful). I'll be the person vetting the entries in this thread and the person drawing the winning post numbers. I started another thread where we can have a discussion about this gift thread, it's also posted in the Vintage Section. Please go to that thread to ask questions or make comments about this thread.

    To the Mods reading this thread, this is not a sales thread or an attempt to circumvent the buy/sell/trade rules of this forum. This is just a fun thread where I hand out some cool stuff to my fellow community members for free. No money or anything else will be exchanged, the winners will get their item for free and I'm also paying the shipping/insurance costs to mail these items out. This is 100% free to everyone who participates.

    Please keep this thread in the Vintage Section, this is where I hangout on the site and I can easily keep an eye on this thread and the other discussion thread. Please contact me if you have any questions about this thread, and I hope that it doesn't break any forum rules.

    Here's the 33 Christmas gifts, I hope these are things that you guys might enjoy (well, we know that everyone will want the first gift!).

    Gift #1: Extremely rare original USMC M40 Redfield 40X scope base and Redfield high 1" scope rings welded mount. This welded mount is completely unique, it's literally the only one known to exist! We have no idea if this is some type of special one-off mount that was created by Marine 2112 armors at the RTE shop, or if it's a fantasy piece that a collector created long ago. Either way, this welded mount is made with an extremely rare Redfield 40X scope base. If you collect/study M40's, you know how these original Redfield 40X scope bases never come up for sale, and is one of the most difficult original M40 pieces to find:



    Gift #2: Brand new McMillan A4 stock for an M40A3 sniper rifle, made to USMC specs:


    Gift #3: Original USMC sniper used S&B M8541 SSDS scope objective lens cap:


    Gift #4: Original sniper used Remington M24 trigger:


    Gift #5: Prototype OPS AWP CSASS submission 34mm FDE QD scope mount:


    Gift #6: OPS AWP 1.125" height 34mm scope rings:


    Gift #7: OPS AWP PSR 1.5" height 34mm scope rings:


    Gift #8: NightForce MA203 (military, not civilian!) 1.5" X-Treme Height 30mm Ultralite scope rings:


    Gift #9: Original USMC sniper used Badger Ordnance tall height Barrett M82A1/M107 SASR scope rings:


    Gift #10: LaRue SPR-S scope mount with Trijicon RMR mounting plate:


    Gift #11: 1 of these 2 sets of very rare GG&G 30mm sniper scope rings:


    Gift #12: 1 of these 2 sets of very rare GG&G 30mm sniper scope rings:


    Gift #13: One-off prototype M40A1 sample piece scope mount (unfinished, rings aren't cut in half) made by LRI for the reproduction M40A1 Unertl scope mount project, marked "LRI" on the underside:


    Gift #14: Very rare original Wilcox "diving board" mount:



    Gift #15: Emerson CQC-7BW Grey Stars and Stripes knife:


    Gift #16: Extremely rare Badger Ordnance prototype Mk15 Mod 0 .50BMG MARS rail:



    Gift #17: Extremely rare circa 1980's USMC shooting team used Winchester M70 barrel:


    Gift #18: Extremely rare SOCOM sniper used mystery barrel from Crane, with original sniper paint. We seriously have no idea what sniper rifle this barrel was used on, but it's an original piece of US military history:


    Gift #19: 1 of these 2 rare circa 2000 Barnett M14 barrels:



    Gift #20: of these 2 rare circa 2000 Barnett M14 barrels:


    Gift #21: 1 of these 2 sets of rare ammo boxes (boxes have original ammo, I'll need to find a way to ship these to the winners), the .300 Norma Mag ammo is from the original Barrett Mk22 ASR sniper rifle contract testing and the .300 Win Mag ammo is original Mk248 Mod 1 ammo for sniper rifles with a .300WM Mod 1 chamber (such as the Mk13 Mod 7):


    Gift #22: 1 of these 2 sets of rare ammo boxes (boxes have original ammo, I'll need to find a way to ship these to the winners), the .300 Norma Mag ammo is from the original Barrett Mk22 ASR sniper rifle contract testing and the .300 Win Mag ammo is original Mk248 Mod 1 ammo for sniper rifles with a .300WM Mod 1 chamber (such as the Mk13 Mod 7):


    Gift #23: New old stock SureFire 6P flashlight, this is an amazing find for clone builders:


    Gift #24: New old stock XS Sights M14 EBR USN2 front sight:


    Gift #25: Knight's Armament NT4 flash hider with shims:


    Gift #26: 1 of these 2 original Army Special Forces belt slide holsters (black):


    Gift #27: 1 of these 2 original Army Special Forces belt slide holsters (black):


    Gift #28: 1 of these 2 original Army Special Forces belt slide holsters (FDE):


    Gift #29: 1 of these 2 original Army Special Forces belt slide holsters (FDE):


    Gift #30: 1 of these 4 original Redfield 700SA scope bases. This is the same type that was used by the Marines on the transitional M40A1 welded scope mounts, but these bases don't have lightening cuts under the windage screws (windage screws not included). I received these bases for Colonel Norm Chandler a long time ago, and they would be a great base for a newly made transitional M40A1 welded scope mount:



    Gift #31: 1 of these 4 original Redfield 700SA scope bases. This is the same type that was used by the Marines on the transitional M40A1 welded scope mounts, but these bases don't have lightening cuts under the windage screws (windage screws not included). I received these bases for Colonel Norm Chandler a long time ago, and they would be a great base for a newly made transitional M40A1 welded scope mount:



    Gift #32: 1 of these 4 original Redfield 700SA scope bases. This is the same type that was used by the Marines on the transitional M40A1 welded scope mounts, but these bases don't have lightening cuts under the windage screws (windage screws not included). I received these bases for Colonel Norm Chandler a long time ago, and they would be a great base for a newly made transitional M40A1 welded scope mount:



    Gift #33: 1 of these 4 original Redfield 700SA scope bases. This is the same type that was used by the Marines on the transitional M40A1 welded scope mounts, but these bases don't have lightening cuts under the windage screws (windage screws not included). I received these bases for Colonel Norm Chandler a long time ago, and they would be a great base for a newly made transitional M40A1 welded scope mount:


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