• Site Updates Coming Monday

    We’re planning to start making changes bright and early on Monday so you might see the site down fir a bit, but no worries, we’ll make our changes and be back as soon as we can!

  • Watch Out for Scammers!

    We've now added a color code for all accounts. Orange accounts are new members, Blue are full members, and Green are Supporters. If you get a message about a sale from an orange account, make sure you pay attention before sending any money!

2024 Defiance Nitride Service


Full Member
  • Aug 11, 2019
    Out West
    Anyone know who Defiance is currently using to nitride their actions and whether individuals can send in actions?

    I’ll call defiance on Monday, but hoping to track this down today.
    A year or so ago they were still using H&M. H&M has a batch minimum price, so sending an individual action will cost you several hundred bucks. Find a shop that uses them and get in on one of their batches. Club customs in NC used to do it.
    A year or so ago they were still using H&M. H&M has a batch minimum price, so sending an individual action will cost you several hundred bucks. Find a shop that uses them and get in on one of their batches. Club customs in NC used to do it.
    Thanks. I thought I read Defiance moved away from H&M, but I also could have just made that up.