Range Report 208 AMAX vs. 208 ELDm


Full Member
Feb 1, 2012
Does anyone have any side-by-side experience to share between these two?

I have had phenominal results out to 1K using the AMAX in .300wm. The load is 76.0gr H1000, R-P brass, Fed210, and the bullet at .030 out of a Stiller and 26” Bartlein. Getting 2905fps. Obviously, my supply is running thin. I picked up a few boxes of the 208 ELDm and did a load work up. Surprisingly, (or maybe not...) it ended up at the same charge of 76.0 using identical components to the old AMAX. The only difference so far is a slight (50-60fps less) difference in MV. My last step is to try various jumps to see if there is a difference in accuracy. Right now, at load testing ranges of 100yds, this too is pretty identical.

So here is my question. Has anyone have experince with the 208 ELDm at distance (1K and beyond) and what has been your experience with this bullet compared to the old AMAX of the same weight? My thoughts are that eventhough the MV is slightly less, the advertised BC of the newer bullet shoud more than overcome this past about 600yds or so... unfortuneatley, time has been at a premium, and I”m not certain I can complete the needed testing before the snow flies and the temps become a factor.

What type of experience? Targets? Game?

If it's targets have at it. The ELD-M line is plenty accurate and in my experience pretty much the same as the AMAZ.

For hunting, past 1000, I can't comment from experience on these two particular bullets. In general my results using OTHER comparisons between the lines tell me that the AMAX and ELD-M generally perform about the same. But I don't shoot game past 1000, my experience stops at 600-750 yards with 30 and 338 caliber comparisons. And to that range they have worked great.
Don't quote me but I don't think anything but the tip changed with the transition from Amax to ELD. Obviously you're always going to experience lot-to-lot variances from tooling changing/wearing, or whatever... but unless you can see an obvious drastic difference, I'd expect them to be about identical from a loading perspective.
Not sure on the COAL. I’m jumping them .010. The AMAX was jumping .030. I can get the numbers for you later. Not around my data right now.

It’s more than the tip. The profile of the bullet is visably different.


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I ran a metric butt ton of 208 gr Amax through my .30-06 before the ELD-m came out and the Amax all but dissapeared. I shot an identical powder charge with the ELD. I can't remember off the top of my head if I changed up seating depth. They both shot similarly accuracy wise, the slightly higher BC of the ELD was the only change that I noticed at distance. Primarily just shooting steel for fun.
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From the 208 Amax to 208 ELDM I am not seeing the same results. Groups have opened up. Amax load is 76.5 H1000 I tried a ELDM ladder starting below and working higher and nothing is close as of yet. They were seated the same OCL for now as I load at mag length.
From the 208 Amax to 208 ELDM I am not seeing the same results. Groups have opened up. Amax load is 76.5 H1000 I tried a ELDM ladder starting below and working higher and nothing is close as of yet. They were seated the same OCL for now as I load at mag length.

I believe the ELD M bullets have more of a secant ogive , especially the heavy for caliber versions , so they may be more sensitive to seating depth then the amax. The price you pay for a higher BC.
The ogive isn't much different and the ELDs are similar to the AMAX in that they don't mind a jump. I have ELDs and even the new A Tips jumping around .1" and still shooting great. I like to load them around .020" off if possible. Never went closer but have gone farther.
Life got in the way and things were put on the back burner for a bit.

Just finished up the 208gr ELDm tests. The .010 jump won out. Surprisingly (or not) it’s the same jump the rifle prefers with the 225gr ELDm as well. The old 208gr AMAX favored .030. I’ll have the ELDm out at distance within the next 2 weeks (1K yards) and see how they both hold up out there.
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Got the chance to compare both at distance this week. Distances were 300yds, 600yds, and 980yds.

The bullets and data seem to be interchangeable. Both using R-P sorted brass, Fed210 primers, and 76.0gr of H1000. The old AMAX jumping .030 while the ELDm is jumping .010”. Speeds are within 10fps between the two types. Like the AMAX, the 208ELDm seems to be a solid performer for the rifle.
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