22-250 AR10 cycling issues


Mar 23, 2020
I just finished my first AR build in 22-250rem. 1-7.7” 24” barrel, rifle length gas system, rifle length buffer, rubber city titanium bcg, and adjustable gas block (clamp on). My issue is that I can’t get the rifle to cycle and lock the bolt correctly unless I’m shooting 80-90gr bullets. My goal is to shoot the heavies but I feel like I should be able to run 55-77gr bullets as well. I’ve checked alignment on my gas block several times and made sure it was set to allow as much gas as possible but that doesn’t seem to improve Its operation. Also, I’m getting inconsistent gas signs on my brass from neck to the base of the base as though it’s not sealing in the chamber well(See picture)? Any advice would be appreciated.
I'll second the "what buffer" question... and add... what recoil spring ?

How many rounds have been fired through the firearm ? ( is it well broken in ? , Large frames can "tend" to be fussy until broken in )

Factory ammo ? Reloads ?

If reloads , what specific powder and charge weight ?

Make sure the chamber is smooth and clean.
It has a rifle length A2 buffer system from Aero. The buffer itself weights 5.2oz. It’s built on a large frame. Currently has 80 rounds through it.
-Factory 50gr wouldnt cycle enough to eject the spent case or pick up the next round.
I tried removing one weight from the buffer (Which put it at 4.1oz) and it would eject the factory 50gr clean but wouldn’t lock the bolt or pick up a new round.
-Then I hand loaded 77gr SMK, 80gr SMK, 90gr SMK over H4350 all 1.5gr below max, with the weight removed from the buffer. The 80 and 90 would lock the bolt on an empty mag and feed correctly. 77 still would not cycle enough to lock the bolt open.
- I then loaded up 50 90gr SMK over 33gr (.5gr over original test) H4350 and it cycled correctly and grouped well. With this load I had enough gas that I had to start turning down my gas block. This is when I started getting odd gas signs on my spent brass. Maybe my bolt is unlocking to soon because I pulled that weight from my buffer? Dirty chamber so the case won’t seal in the chamber?
The .22-250 case is significantly smaller than the .308 case and the cartridges based on it.
I would think that you are not getting enough gas volume.
The 22-250 has a case capacity of 44.6 grains of water, the .308 is 53.5 (case dependent)
You could try enlarging the port to allow more gas to enter the system.