.22 bolt action CZ 455, grouping went from 1/2 at 50 yards to 1-2 inches


Apr 2, 2024
Shooting Bench-rest precision style in my backyard, using a CZ 455, American Rimfire Target, first 25 shots grouping 1/2 inch, at 50 yards, CCI Subsonic at 1050fps next 20-50 shots missing by 1-2 inches? cannot figure out why, Fatigue? unlikely. the Barrel does not feel warm or hot, cannot figure out why? any suggestions or comments?
Obviously can’t know for sure with your gun, but I’ve decided my 17HMR shoots more accurately early on in a range session when it’s clean(er) than towards the end of a 50 round box. Left it fouled as a test and accuracy was not as good early in the next session.