.22 bullet performance at 200 yards


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Oct 6, 2020
So I am still fairly new to the whole rimfire thing. Yes, I've owned rimfire rifles for several decades but I never really thought of them as an effective tool for anything but plinking and very small game hunting. In the back of my mind though, I kept thinking about Jeff Cooper discussing the use of a suppressed .22 for riot control in Israel. I really didn't take it seriously because I assumed that to be effective, the shooter would need to be very close and that seemed counter productive to what they wanted to accomplish.

Fast forward to today where I am learning about the joys of precision .22 rifles. I've been working things up so I have a low cost training rifle and have set up a Ruger to match the feel of my Sig Cross. I'm getting to the point where I'm pretty confident with this thing out to about 250 yards and want to keep developing my skills to extend that.

In the back of my mind, I kept thinking that a 40 grain bullet at that range must not have much punch left once it hits the target. When the atmospheric and light conditions are right, I can actually see the bullet flying in my scope so it can't possibly have any penetration ability at that range, right?

Wrong!!! I set up a wet newspaper trap and was shocked that the bullets penetrated so deep! Now I get it. Now I see how this could be a very effective tool for what Cooper described.

Enjoy the video>

Someone zips a fragmenting lead pill through your shin or ass cheek......your gonna stop throwing molotov cocktails and go try to unfuck yourself instead.

Problem wasn't lack of effectiveness....Problem was some protestors went down and never got back up.

60ft/lbs on the head of a tack immediately onto bone is a ton of force.
Israel has been using occasionally .22 LR for control of extremely aggressive and dangerous crowds. It seems to be effective and in most scenarios it is better to get hit by a 40 grain .22LR then a 80 grain .223. The .22 lr gives enough of an injury to get your attention and spoil your day, but far less chance to be lethal then a .223 or .308 win
Nice article. That's kinda what I had in mind when I put this together. I also think it has potential as a lethal tool in a warzone. A group of insurgents standing 200 yards from a sniper with a suppressed .22 might not even know they are under attack in the first several seconds of it. "Did a wasp just sting you Comrade?"