22 creedmoor


Where da varmints?
Full Member
Feb 14, 2017
I know several folks including myself have been playing with the 22 creedmoor for a while now. Please keep this thread to actual reloading information, and if you can please post some round count, barrel life numbers are all over the place.

Here is a brief summary of the cartridge. You need to know that it is a laser beam and varmint vaporizer! The 22 creed feeds awesome out of a aics/aw mags, has increased case capacity, and can toss 80gr pills over 3400fps. Also, you can use youre existing creedmoor die sets with a different bushing and seater or call up whidden and get a custom set. Using 6mm creedmoor brass is the easiest way to make brass, but some have fireformed 22-250 brass into 22creed.

Please follow the format of

bullet/ weight/type
charge weight
barrel make, twist , length
round count on barrel
any other info, fowling, groups, effects on game or varmints

thanks for the information

This is by far my favorite gun to shoot now. Didn't think I'd ever say that over my weatherby's but it's true. Anyway, enough preaching.

80.5g Berger fullbore .015" from lands
3340 fps
Bartlein 1:7.7" 20"
42 rounds down the tube
Chambered by Beanland

Runnin a SiCo harvester 30 and it's super quiet.
5 shot groups with horrible mirage and 12 mph wind were well under 1/2" with single digit SD's.

Haven't had a chance to shoot any critters yet. Been too busy with work. Can't wait to shed some blood with it though.
80.5gn Berger Fullbore
43.0gn H4350
Unknown velocity as of now
Rock Creek 8tw @22"
Melonited Defiance Deviant Hunter
Chambered by Beanland
Running an SAS Barricade
Shooting multiple 1/4-1/2" groups in load development
Killed 3 yotes and 2 sows @ ~200# each from 90 to 306yds. Only one yote ran about 25yds, everything else never took another step.
about 50rds on the bbl
This is by far my favorite gun to shoot now. Didn't think I'd ever say that over my weatherby's but it's true. Anyway, enough preaching.

80.5g Berger fullbore .015" from lands
3340 fps
Bartlein 1:7.7" 20"
42 rounds down the tube
Chambered by Beanland

Runnin a SiCo harvester 30 and it's super quiet.
5 shot groups with horrible mirage and 12 mph wind were well under 1/2" with single digit SD's.

Haven't had a chance to shoot any critters yet. Been too busy with work. Can't wait to shed some blood with it though.

Hmmm, how long ago did Beanland build your rifle? Mason?
This is my favorite rifle, too. I've worked up a couple different loads with slower powders. I'm currently shooting a rifle I built with a Bartlein 1:7.7 twist M24 taper with a Brownells Stryker Ridge action (made by Defiance) in a Manners EH1. I'm about to replace the barrel in this rifle after approximately 800 rounds. Note, I shoot it like I stole it. I'm rough on my barrels but since I can rechamber myself I don't worry too much.

All are from 26" barrels (two different rifles) and CCI200's and 6mm Hornady brass. I've got 100 pieces of Lapua 22-250 brass that I'm fireforming now with 38 grains of R26. Simply load the 22-250 and shoot. Nothing needs to be done to the brass before fireforming. I've yet to work up a load with the Lapua brass. All velocities measure with a MagnetoSpeed.

Sorry for not following the format outlined. But, what I've found, is that if it works in the 6 Creed with the 105 Hybrid it works fairly well in the 22 Creed with bullet weights from 75-82 grains.

75 grain AMAX - Note, I didn't shoot these but gathered them from a couple others that did.
46 grains MRP. Over 3500 fps.
45 grains 4831SC. ~3500 fps.
45 grains R26. ~3650 fps.

77 grain Sierra TMK
41 grains R26 - 3130 fps, 42 grains produced a decent crater in the primer
45 grains 4831SC - 3320 fps. I use the same load in my 6 Creed.
45 grains MRP - 3545 fps, SD 11.8

80 grain ELD-M - There was something about this bullet that didn't work but my notes don't tell me what that was.
48 grains R26 - 3650 fps. Decent 100 yard grouping, 1-1.2" at 200 yards
49 grains R26 - 3750 fps. I did no accuracy testing.

82 grain Berger
45.5 grains 4831SC - 3517 fps. 46 grains had no pressure signs. I shoot the same load in my 6 Creed with the 105 Hybrid.
45.5 grains R26 - 3540 fps. SD 8.1. I shoot the same load in my 6 Creed with the 105 Hybrid.
45 grains MRP - 3400. good accuracy. I shoot the same load in my 6 Creed with the 105 Hybrid.
46 grains MRP - 3515. Good accuracy at 100, horrible at 200.
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Thats some great information, i figure my barrel will be lucky to make it to 1000rds, 800-1000 seems to be a trend, Im running test with the 4831sc this weekend, and I think I low balled myself compared to those loads you posted, we will see, once again thanks for contributing, this really is one bad ass round
80gr Hornady Amax
Hybrid 100v
CCI #200
Kreiger 1-7 26" Heavy Palma
613 rounds down the tube so far
2 step necked down Hornady 6mm Creedmoor
6milsUp/0.1milsLeft to 1000y @ sea level

Redding 6.5 Creedmoor Type S Neck Sizing Die (71446)
22cal floating carbide button kit (48223)
0.261 bushing for partial neck sizing
0.251 bushing for final neck sizing
Forster 6.5 Creedmoor Ultra Micrometer Seating Die (the 6.5 VLD stem works great with the 22 bullets)

I switched to neck sizing for this project because my brass was growing larger than I would like. Seems to be a result of my chamber being at the upper end of the SAAMI Creedmoor spec. I was also getting heavy primer cratering and random pierced primers with my large firing pin AIAT, so it got sent out to get bushed down at Stuteville Precision. Now the primers look perfect and there hasn't been a pierced primer since. The batch of Hornady 6mm Creedmoor head stamped brass I have is a little suspect. From the first firing the primer pockets blow out at a rate of about 1:10. It's definitely a fun little barrel burner, but I think the brass is the biggest downfall for me. I'm going to try out 22x47L once this barrel is toast.
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Tried some new powders, I was very cautious on this lot and will be bumping the charge up after this batch. This was a super accurate load but rather slow for this cartridge.

80gr Amax
imr 4451
38.4 gr
3105 fps
*mild recoiling, could see shots appear on paper with can on*
24" barrel
da: 1300, 75 degrees
Thought I'd post this here since there was discussion of barrel life. I thought my barrel was toast with around 900 rounds but I shot this yesterday at 100. That's five shots. Note, I shoot without stopping so much so that bullets will discolor sitting in the chamber. I can actually smell the heat.


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Thought I'd post this here since there was discussion of barrel life. I thought my barrel was toast with around 900 rounds but I shot this yesterday at 100. That's five shots. Note, I shoot without stopping so much so that bullets will discolor sitting in the chamber. I can actually smell the heat.

That looks well within "minute of coyote". Have you tried any of the new Lapua 6.5cm brass with the small primers? I have sized a box of it down, but have yet to fire form any. It should allow a guy to lean on it a little more.
I worked up a load with 22-250 brass that had been fired in the 22 Creed with 39 grains of R26 and a 77 TMK. With a CCI200 primer I got the following with an 82 grain Berger. All with R26.

47 grains and the case was full. No pressure signs.
46.5 grains - 3589 FPS, SD 9.
46 grains - 3561 FPS, SD 6.


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Just thought I'd update here. I loaded up 200 rounds with fireformed 22-250 Lapua brass and 45.5 grains of R26. 10 shots averaged 3510 at 45 degrees.

I'm really liking the 22-250 Lapua brass. It has outstanding accuracy at 600 (longest I've got at my range) while fireforming. Just load and go, no neck sizing.

Interestingly, my buddy had a bunch of 22-250 rounds loaded for his 22-250 and he just ran them through the Creedmoor to get the brass. I'm guessing it's possible to use any 22-250 load in the Creed and still be safe.
It's definitely a fun little barrel burner, but I think the brass is the biggest downfall for me. I'm going to try out 22x47L once this barrel is toast.

you might try some of the Lapua 6.5cm brass with the SRP pockets before you give up on it. That may give you better pressure resistance on the primer pockets. I have some loads built up to try with it, but my gun was getting bedded into a new stock, so haven't tried it yet. Hope to do so in the next week. Weather is getting chilly and it's time to whack some Yotes.
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For brass you might look into Alpha Brass. I believe they will be doing a full production run of 22 Creedmoor in the next 45-60 days if not sooner.
I got an update from Bob at Alpha Munitions (alphamunitions.com). They plan on having 22 Creedmoor brass by the end of January. I use Lapua in my 22-250 and making it into 6.5 Creed was a disaster. I think I over cooked the cream of wheat. Now fire forming 22-250 Lapua into 22 crdm is a different story, that is some great brass. The choice will depend on the individual user and the quality of Alpha brass. I can not speak to the virtures of Alpha brass, but I haven't heard any complaints about their other offerings.
The 6 creedmoor forester ultra micrometer seating die should work for seating bullets in 22-250 Lapua brass to fire form into 22 creedmoor?

It should work but you may not get consistent results with the 6mm seater. You'd have to see how far that seater goes down your 22 bullet. I used my 22 reamer in a 22-250 ultra seater sleeve to get one specific to my 22 creed chamber.
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Just received my 22 creedmoor reamer and have a 20" Proof Carbon Savage pre-fit in 223 that I'm going to have reamed out and picked up a Savage take off 22-250 barrel to ream and use for fire forming/prairie dogs. Looking forward to using it for predators.

What size neck bushing are you guys using with the 22-250 lapua brass?
Just received my 22 creedmoor reamer and have a 20" Proof Carbon Savage pre-fit in 223 that I'm going to have reamed out and picked up a Savage take off 22-250 barrel to ream and use for fire forming/prairie dogs. Looking forward to using it for predators.

What size neck bushing are you guys using with the 22-250 lapua brass?

Updated: initial bushing sizes did not look right, so i went and double checked my die set, bushing size for redding type s - .254, .256 works and ive gone as low as a .251, but its tight
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You guys all using 6 Creedmoor dies with different bushings? Anyone try the custom whiddens? I've got a barrel sitting at Beanlands now scheduled for fitting in April and I'm trying to get everything together.
Yes i did send in some chamber fired brass to whidden, seems pretty standard though, as for rigging up a seater , used a redding 22-250 stem in a 6.5 cm competition seater die, hope that helps
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You guys all using 6 Creedmoor dies with different bushings? Anyone try the custom whiddens? I've got a barrel sitting at Beanlands now scheduled for fitting in April and I'm trying to get everything together.
I use bushings to neck down the lapua SRP 6.5cm brass, but I load with a set of Whiddens that they built me off of fire formed brass that I sent in. Jon built mine as well. It is my go-to rifle for everything from deer on down.
I tried 50gr vmax’s out of a 1-7 twist barrel and not one bullet ever made it to the 100yd target, one of them poofed just past the barrel, definitely take your can off when testing with these hot rods and light pills,

I always thought running 40 grainers at the speed of light would be cool though, just need a slower twist in the 1-9 or higher range if you want to push them
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For what this is worth, my load above shoots great with Hornady brass but as with most tinkers I wanted to try some loads using small rifle primers. I bought some Peterson 6 Creed brass ( seems to be very good brass) and have been trying to use RL26 with CCI 400 AND 450 primers and it's been very unfulfilling with wild velocity swings. I will try again later using faster burning powders but for now back to the proven.
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