22 ELR MATCH, Sunday May 21st 8:00 a.m.
There will be eight stages 10 rounds per stage for score. 2 minutes to set up 3 minutes to shoot. Shooter will be allowed one personal spotter to help them with corrections. If you do not have a personal spotter the range will help you out. Target size will be three to four moa. Distances will be 250 yd to 500 yd. We will have hit indicator lights at 400 450 and 500. All other targets will react when hit. We will be keeping range records for each distance of how many consecutive impacts are made. If you have 10 consecutive impacts at one distance you may keep shooting to your 3 minutes are up to see how many consecutive impacts you can get. We are also working on getting a Target set up at 511 yards to shoot for the 22 ELR record. There will be two classifications.
Limited which will be factory produced ammo.
Unlimited hand loaded ammo.
Match location valley view Texas 76272.
There will be a registration tab on our website which will take you to practice score and you will register there. Match fee will be $50 for adults $25 for youth 16 and under . We will pay back cash to the shooters for the first three places depending on the number of participants.
North Texas Rimfire League – Rimfire PRS
North Texas Rimfire League - Home
There will be eight stages 10 rounds per stage for score. 2 minutes to set up 3 minutes to shoot. Shooter will be allowed one personal spotter to help them with corrections. If you do not have a personal spotter the range will help you out. Target size will be three to four moa. Distances will be 250 yd to 500 yd. We will have hit indicator lights at 400 450 and 500. All other targets will react when hit. We will be keeping range records for each distance of how many consecutive impacts are made. If you have 10 consecutive impacts at one distance you may keep shooting to your 3 minutes are up to see how many consecutive impacts you can get. We are also working on getting a Target set up at 511 yards to shoot for the 22 ELR record. There will be two classifications.
Limited which will be factory produced ammo.
Unlimited hand loaded ammo.
Match location valley view Texas 76272.
There will be a registration tab on our website which will take you to practice score and you will register there. Match fee will be $50 for adults $25 for youth 16 and under . We will pay back cash to the shooters for the first three places depending on the number of participants.
North Texas Rimfire League – Rimfire PRS
North Texas Rimfire League – Rimfire PRS

North Texas Rimfire League - Home

North Texas Rimfire League
North Texas Rimfire League. 1,505 likes · 73 talking about this. NTxR is a registered PRS club located in north west dfw. You do not need to be a PRS member to shoot our matches but if you are your...