.22 WMR, Honandy critical defense


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Nov 23, 2019
I have never really been happy with the accuracy of my RPRR. Someone recommended trying these in my rifle. They are made for deffenive type hand guns in.22 mag. Tried these and wow, best 100yrd groups i ever shot with it by a large margin. On a raining day with some wind, i was super impressed. Of course my target disintegrated in the rain before i got pics. I dont know if its the 45 gn bullet or they are made a little better. Just wanted to put that out there for any other . 22WMR shooters. Anxious to get out on a nice day and try them.
Luck of the draw with CCI made 22wmr.
Yep, that may be a Hornady label, but it's actually made by CCI.
Some batches of the Critical Defense are better than others.
One box I tried produced keyholes.
Another had problems with poor seating and mv variations.
CCI doesn't make high grade rimfire ammo.
Minimal quality control on the assembly line.
But since it's intended to be pistol ammo, precision accuracy ain't necessary.
One of my first rifles was a Remington 597 in 22 mag, very accurate 100yrd rifle and it punched holes in stuff I wouldn’t have suspected it would, also never had a ftf, I’d take a 9mm but I’d wager outside of a fatty on meth, a 22 mag would take most out of the fight
Luck of the draw with CCI made 22wmr.
Yep, that may be a Hornady label, but it's actually made by CCI.
Some batches of the Critical Defense are better than others.
One box I tried produced keyholes.
Another had problems with poor seating and mv variations.
CCI doesn't make high grade rimfire ammo.
Minimal quality control on the assembly line.
But since it's intended to be pistol ammo, precision accuracy ain't necessary.
It’s far from precision ammo, but what twist were you shooting it out of? Not grouping is one thing, but keyholing is another.
But Justin, everyone knows with Rimfire you just need to find the right rifle/ammo combo to get sub MOA ALL DAY LONG. Might end up being a mossburg and CCI critical defense. 😂
Luck of the draw with CCI made 22wmr.
Yep, that may be a Hornady label, but it's actually made by CCI.
Some batches of the Critical Defense are better than others.
One box I tried produced keyholes.
Another had problems with poor seating and mv variations.
CCI doesn't make high grade rimfire ammo.
Minimal quality control on the assembly line.
But since it's intended to be pistol ammo, precision accuracy ain't necessary.
Your killing my buzz. Thought I had found something there. I will keep using them till I have trouble. The next best for me would be the cci target , then the cci varmint...