I thought it would be interesting to compare two different chamberings using the same methods, same (relatively) conditions, with bullets that might be considered ideal for their respective caliber and barrel twist. The goal is to challenge some conventional thinking, and to offer some real world comparisons. I plan on using this thread to provide results, pictures, and updates. I think the results will be interesting.
<span style="font-weight: bold">Rifles:</span>
8 Twist Rock Barrel at 22 inches
11.27 Twist Rock Barrel at 20 inches
<span style="font-weight: bold">Ammunition:</span>
223ai -
I am awaiting a shipment of 2500 Swampworks 80gr JLK VLD's and will use fully formed LC cases, Ramshot TAC Powder, loaded for a .010 jump and CCI 400 primers. Based on past load development, I can expect 2925-2950 FPS before I see pressure signs, but will do a full load workup before I start comparison testing. I chose the 80gr JLK's for their published BC (G1) of .510 (couldn't find any G7 numbers), though I anticipate that the actual BC is somewhat less.
.308 -
I have approximately 1500 155gr Lapua Scenars, and will use once fired (in my chamber) Winchester brass, Varget, and CCI 200 primers. Based on past load development, with a 20 inch Rock barrel, I anticipate 2850-2875fps (20-30fps more if I run it suppressed). I will do a full load workup with this rifle as well. I chose the 155's because of their Litz tested (G7) BC of .234 and because of their popularity with the tactical crowd.
<span style="font-weight: bold">Ballistics Comparison:</span>
I am using the Berger Ballistics Program (http://www.bergerbullets.com/Ballistics%20Program/index.html) for initial comparison purposes
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
+----------------------------- Program Inputs ---------------------------------+
| |
+---- Bullet Inputs -----+----Atmosphere Inputs ----+-------Sight Inputs ------+
| Caliber: 0.308 inches | Temperature: 85 degrees | Sight Height: 1.5 inches |
| Weight: 155 grains | Pressure: 29.92 inHg | Zero Range: 100 yards |
| G7 BC: 0.234 lb/in^2 | Humidity: 040 % | Look Angle: 0 degrees |
| G7 Form Factor: 0.998 | Density: 0.07237 lb/ft^3 | |
| MZL Velocity: 2850 fps| Wind Speed: 10 mph | |
| | Wind Direction: 3 O'clock| |
+----------------------------- Program Output ---------------------------------+
Range Velocity Energy Trajectory TOF Drift
(yards) (fps) (ft-lb) (MILS) (sec) (MILS)
0 2850 2795 0.00 0.0000 0.00
100 2658 2432 -0.00 0.1090 -0.18
200 2474 2107 -0.48 0.2259 -0.38
300 2298 1817 -1.16 0.3518 -0.59
400 2128 1559 -1.96 0.4874 -0.81
500 1966 1330 -2.87 0.6341 -1.06
600 1810 1127 -3.89 0.7931 -1.32
700 1660 948 -5.04 0.9662 -1.60
800 1515 790 -6.35 1.1553 -1.92
900 1377 653 -7.83 1.3630 -2.26
1000 1246 535 -9.53 1.5921 -2.64
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">+----------------------------- Program Inputs ---------------------------------+
| |
+---- Bullet Inputs -----+----Atmosphere Inputs ----+-------Sight Inputs ------+
| Caliber: 0.224 inches | Temperature: 85 degrees | Sight Height: 1.5 inches |
| Weight: 80 grains | Pressure: 29.92 inHg | Zero Range: 100 yards |
| G1 BC: 0.510 lb/in^2 | Humidity: 40 % | Look Angle: 0 degrees |
| G1 Form Factor: 0.447 | Density: 0.07237 lb/ft^3 | |
| MZL Velocity: 2925 fps| Wind Speed: 10 mph | |
| | Wind Direction: 3 O'clock| |
+----------------------------- Program Output ---------------------------------+
Range Velocity Energy Trajectory TOF Drift
(yards) (fps) (ft-lb) (MILS) (sec) (MILS)
0 2925 1520 0.00 0.0000 0.00
100 2746 1340 -0.00 0.1058 -0.16
200 2575 1177 -0.43 0.2187 -0.33
300 2409 1031 -1.06 0.3391 -0.51
400 2250 899 -1.79 0.4679 -0.71
500 2097 781 -2.62 0.6060 -0.91
600 1950 676 -3.53 0.7544 -1.13
700 1810 582 -4.55 0.9141 -1.37
800 1678 500 -5.68 1.0862 -1.63
900 1554 429 -6.94 1.2720 -1.90
1000 1440 368 -8.35 1.4727 -2.19
On paper, the 80 gr JLK is tough to beat, so it'll be interesting to get some real world data between the two. If anything, it'll be fun to test and I'm looking forward to starting the process next week.
I would love to have some feedback as to what I should or shouldn't be doing regarding testing and comparison. Feel free to contribute!
<span style="font-weight: bold">Rifles:</span>
8 Twist Rock Barrel at 22 inches

11.27 Twist Rock Barrel at 20 inches

<span style="font-weight: bold">Ammunition:</span>
223ai -
I am awaiting a shipment of 2500 Swampworks 80gr JLK VLD's and will use fully formed LC cases, Ramshot TAC Powder, loaded for a .010 jump and CCI 400 primers. Based on past load development, I can expect 2925-2950 FPS before I see pressure signs, but will do a full load workup before I start comparison testing. I chose the 80gr JLK's for their published BC (G1) of .510 (couldn't find any G7 numbers), though I anticipate that the actual BC is somewhat less.
.308 -
I have approximately 1500 155gr Lapua Scenars, and will use once fired (in my chamber) Winchester brass, Varget, and CCI 200 primers. Based on past load development, with a 20 inch Rock barrel, I anticipate 2850-2875fps (20-30fps more if I run it suppressed). I will do a full load workup with this rifle as well. I chose the 155's because of their Litz tested (G7) BC of .234 and because of their popularity with the tactical crowd.
<span style="font-weight: bold">Ballistics Comparison:</span>
I am using the Berger Ballistics Program (http://www.bergerbullets.com/Ballistics%20Program/index.html) for initial comparison purposes
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
+----------------------------- Program Inputs ---------------------------------+
| |
+---- Bullet Inputs -----+----Atmosphere Inputs ----+-------Sight Inputs ------+
| Caliber: 0.308 inches | Temperature: 85 degrees | Sight Height: 1.5 inches |
| Weight: 155 grains | Pressure: 29.92 inHg | Zero Range: 100 yards |
| G7 BC: 0.234 lb/in^2 | Humidity: 040 % | Look Angle: 0 degrees |
| G7 Form Factor: 0.998 | Density: 0.07237 lb/ft^3 | |
| MZL Velocity: 2850 fps| Wind Speed: 10 mph | |
| | Wind Direction: 3 O'clock| |
+----------------------------- Program Output ---------------------------------+
Range Velocity Energy Trajectory TOF Drift
(yards) (fps) (ft-lb) (MILS) (sec) (MILS)
0 2850 2795 0.00 0.0000 0.00
100 2658 2432 -0.00 0.1090 -0.18
200 2474 2107 -0.48 0.2259 -0.38
300 2298 1817 -1.16 0.3518 -0.59
400 2128 1559 -1.96 0.4874 -0.81
500 1966 1330 -2.87 0.6341 -1.06
600 1810 1127 -3.89 0.7931 -1.32
700 1660 948 -5.04 0.9662 -1.60
800 1515 790 -6.35 1.1553 -1.92
900 1377 653 -7.83 1.3630 -2.26
1000 1246 535 -9.53 1.5921 -2.64
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">+----------------------------- Program Inputs ---------------------------------+
| |
+---- Bullet Inputs -----+----Atmosphere Inputs ----+-------Sight Inputs ------+
| Caliber: 0.224 inches | Temperature: 85 degrees | Sight Height: 1.5 inches |
| Weight: 80 grains | Pressure: 29.92 inHg | Zero Range: 100 yards |
| G1 BC: 0.510 lb/in^2 | Humidity: 40 % | Look Angle: 0 degrees |
| G1 Form Factor: 0.447 | Density: 0.07237 lb/ft^3 | |
| MZL Velocity: 2925 fps| Wind Speed: 10 mph | |
| | Wind Direction: 3 O'clock| |
+----------------------------- Program Output ---------------------------------+
Range Velocity Energy Trajectory TOF Drift
(yards) (fps) (ft-lb) (MILS) (sec) (MILS)
0 2925 1520 0.00 0.0000 0.00
100 2746 1340 -0.00 0.1058 -0.16
200 2575 1177 -0.43 0.2187 -0.33
300 2409 1031 -1.06 0.3391 -0.51
400 2250 899 -1.79 0.4679 -0.71
500 2097 781 -2.62 0.6060 -0.91
600 1950 676 -3.53 0.7544 -1.13
700 1810 582 -4.55 0.9141 -1.37
800 1678 500 -5.68 1.0862 -1.63
900 1554 429 -6.94 1.2720 -1.90
1000 1440 368 -8.35 1.4727 -2.19
On paper, the 80 gr JLK is tough to beat, so it'll be interesting to get some real world data between the two. If anything, it'll be fun to test and I'm looking forward to starting the process next week.
I would love to have some feedback as to what I should or shouldn't be doing regarding testing and comparison. Feel free to contribute!