224 V to 1550 yards


HMFIC of this Shit
Staff member
  • Apr 12, 2001
    Base of the Rockies
    We traveled to Blue Steel Ranch Last week to shoot our Valkyrie Rifles to beyond 1000 yards,

    We shoot 1200, 1550, 1785 and 2020 yards in total on Tuesday

    Here is the 1 Mile Target


    The view back from the Targets


    Brian Whalen Crunching Numbers


    Recovered Bullet and hits from the steel


    Best results were with a MHSA Build 224V Bolt Gun

    My hit at 2020

    It was around the 6th shot out of 9 taken at distance.
    Wow! Great to see the .224 Valkyrie pushed out that far. How were impacts being seen or verified? Cameras? Impact lights?

    It looks like you were using Hornady 88g factory loads. Was the MHSA bolt using factory or handloads?
    We had a bit of mirage at some point, as it did heat up quick that day.

    We were above it though as we shot from the Rim of the canyon down into the middle so we were over the top of it.

    The wind was weird, it was mainly behind us but would switch back and forth so we averaged 1.5 but used as much as 2.5 of wind.

    7 Twist, we shot both the 90s and 88s and they worked the same, no issue.

    You don't need a 6.5 twist, originally the 90s were a bit of an issue in the load, they fined tuned and adjust it and appear to be working well now

    Using factory 88s I have no issues stability or accuracy wise, sub 1/2 MOA, the new 90s are good too.

    I have posted numerous times, I am shooting 7 twist, Brian 7 twist, enough said.

    You have to look at your reamer too, that has been an issue for some, bad chambers for the length.
    We had a bit of mirage at some point, as it did heat up quick that day.

    We were above it though as we shot from the Rim of the canyon down into the middle so we were over the top of it.

    The wind was weird, it was mainly behind us but would switch back and forth so we averaged 1.5 but used as much as 2.5 of wind.
    I have noticed that type of effect also. I have a theory that when a tail wind is switching, you aren't just seeing the effect of wind. I think whatever optical effect is present is also moving back and forth exacerbating the problem. So you end up with wider swings than would be indicated by just doing the wind math alone.

    What's your take on it?
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    We watched it in the boil and saw it mainly at 1550 as the temps rose.

    Later in the afternoon we moved to 1 Mile and had better results than at the 1550 target, which was actually bigger.

    The vertical spread at 1550 when the temps were rising and the wind was switching, was definitely noticeable but there is not much you can do about it but shoot and correct.

    When things stabilized and the temp stopped rising, we had better results.

    Unfortunately, we went to the 2020 target late and the window to spot hits was tiny compared to the other locations. We had trees and terrain in the way and we never saw Brian's misses (We found them after) he was just low and off the left. I changed up my hold and around shot 4 I saw a splash and then hit on shot 6. We were out of reloads 3 shots later.

    Afterwards, a front came through, as it rained the entire ride back until Raton Pass, and at that point, the winds switched direction and increased.
    frank that pic of your plate at 1mile, that looks like a great way to hang target. Those corner pieces where the rebar goes into is that custom made or available for purchase somewhere?
    frank that pic of your plate at 1mile, that looks like a great way to hang target. Those corner pieces where the rebar goes into is that custom made or available for purchase somewhere?

    They sell them, several people make them...

    The ones in the image are from Austin Angus of AA Targets
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    Love it! Definitely good test of extreme range for the cartridge. Pumped to see this review as I hope it boosta some of the interest back into the cartridge since it seems that some momentum was lost because of all the BS around Chambers etc.

    I'm really impressed with the pics of the recovered hits. The concentricity of what used to be the end of the bearing surface and the butt of the boat-tail show the bullet hit dead on! AAAND....pretty damn flattened out too! Meaning it's retaining a helluva lot of energy.
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    Here is the video to 1 Mile

    So, I'm guessing your velocity was somewhere around 2880fps? Effective winds about 3-4mph?

    So, at a mile, your bullet is still a "4", so better than a standard load with a 69gr Sierra at 1k yards and closer. That is nothing to sneeze at. That is some good shooting also.
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    I believe 2880 is right for the handloads, 34 mils and we averaged 1.5 mils of wind.

    The value changed, it was partly behind us but Also had enough of a value to matter.

    About 5MPH average from 7 O’clock then the terrain to guide it
    That jives just about perfectly with what I ran in Strelok. I guessed 4,000ft for elevation, and didn't put in any slope.
    Listening to podcasts and reading stuff like this has put me on the band wagon. Waiting on barrel to show up today. Thanks a lot Mke and Frank for getting me into another cal.
    It was 2880 with the 88s but Brian just finalized a load at 3120fps with 80s
    I got 3 boxes of 88 ammo to test. Frank when I end up in a gun 10 step program your name is coming up. Lol
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