Thanks Downhillfromhere! I am looking to put together a Vudoo V22 for some long range benchrest shooting, and perhaps NRL matches (never done that before). This will be my first rifle. I have had extensive experiens with handguns, but I am, by no means, an expert at that either. I just have never purchased a scope before, and I had to Google what most of the terms where when I first started looking at them.
Ok, if you're starting with a Vudoo, you're doing it right! So you'll want a scope to match the rifle. The Midas TAC will get it done. Full disclosure: I'm a Vortex guy. I've already sent the $$ on Viper PSTs for my .22s and Razors for my centerfires. But, since those purchases, I've spent a little time behind a Midas TAC on my buddy's .22 and it's a great optic for about half to two-thirds the price I spent on my Vipers.
If you're that new to current-generation optics, I just don't see how you can go wrong with the Midas TAC on a Vudoo. As good as that rifle is, it's still a .22 and you don't need to see into deep shadows 1000 yards away. Be sure to
call Doug at CameralandNY to discuss and order. When I ordered from him (Athlon Argos for my nephew), he wasn't selling rings. Again, buy good rings. Your Vudoo-to-be deserves them.
Also - Take some time to learn about cleaning your rifle. If you pursue the subject, you will read that more rifles are damaged by improper cleaning than about anything else. You'll need a bore guide and a good cleaning rod, and/or a bore snake. You really don't want to cobble up a Vudoo chamber, bore, or crown with ham-fisted cleaning.
EDIT: Also, as I said, make sure you mount the scope correctly. It isn't hard. My first big-$ scope was mounted by a competent smith while I watched. After that, I bought a Wheeler FAT wrench and did all mounts myself.
EDIT 2: If you haven't ordered yet, be sure to tell Jill, Paul, and/or Jay at Vudoo you're new to rifle. They are all awesome and will help you put together a great .22.
EDIT 3: Pay attention to what
@flatland1 writes about Vudoo. It takes awhile but going through the 40+ pages on the Rimfire --> Vudoo forum is useful.