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.243 Win Load Help


Two Star General
Full Member
  • Mar 27, 2020
    I’m curious what others have done with these combos as there’s a decent discrepancy between websites and manuals.

    Hodgdon website max differs considerably from Lyman and Hornady manuals as does the Alliant website.
    I reload a little differently from traditional. I start near max and if I can’t find a node, I’ll go down.

    Remington 770 Youth Model 20” barrel
    1:9.125” Hornady 100 gr BTSP
    FC brass x1
    Fed 210M
    COL 2.050
    BTO 2.2765

    RL22 web max 45.5, Hornady 43.6 and Lyman 44.0
    IMR 4350 web max 42, Hornady n/a and Lyman 39.5
    Varget web max 31, Hornady n/a and Lyman 34.5

    Thanks 🍻
    I dont load for 243W specifically but those variations can be accounted for in terms of differences between brass manufacturers as well as the specific test rifles used to generate that load data for each respective source.

    Pick a starting charge weight based on the powder manufacturer’s data that you’re using and do an otherwise normal work up, paying attention to signs of overpressure. Perhaps 1-1.2g below published max. For detecting overpressure use your 1” micrometer or dial calipers, measure the case diameter just above the extractor groove before and after firing for each charge weight. Compare them. Expansion greater than .005” indicates pressure so the first charge weight showing that expansion is your rifle’s “max” with those components.

    Once you think you have a charge weight, perform seating depth trials if the groups themselves arent as tight as you would like.
    I used h4350 and found it to be a better case fill than h4895sc ( I used 4895 because I hadn't tried Varget but assume similar case fill based on charge/burn rate) . 40grs h4350 sent the bullet 3000fps in my rifle. Very consistent grouping, I don't get anal about anything other than powder charge weight for hunting. My favorite caliber, prairie dogs to deer.
    I have 2 loads worked up for my Rem 700 youth model with an 18” barrel.
    First is 87g VLD seated at 10 thou off lands. 43g H4831SC. CCI 200. Nosler Brass.
    Second load is 90g ELD-X seated 30 thou off lands. 38g H4350. FED 210match. Nosler brass.
    Both shoot extremely well and close in speed. I’ll add pictures of group and chrono.
    Bolt broke on the Remington 770 so I replaced it with what was available on short notice before youth weekend a couple months ago. Best velocity and similar groups 1”-1.5” compared to other powders (RL15, RL23)

    Mossberg Patriot Predator .243 Win
    22” 1:10
    72F 63% 29.98 mmHg

    SIERRA 90 gr TMK factory ammo
    2934, 2915, 2914, 2944 SD 14.7

    Hand loads:
    Berger 95 Classic Hunter
    RL22 47.5 gr
    Sierra brass x 1
    Fed 210M
    COL 2.045
    BTO 2.0750
    3263, 3264, 3272, 3271, 3278 SD 6.1

    RL22 48.0
    3306, 3285, 3323, 3309, 3315 SD 14.2
    Mild pressure sign from ejector