260 applied ballistics help... I need some info for ballistic calculator ...

Rusty Bluck

Full Member
Apr 28, 2013
ok I been using strelok and my numbers are off.. when I put data in to make 1000 yrd dead on my 600 is low.(close). messed and messed with it and was told to use applied ballistics. So i have the app. now and am having trouble.. would someone walk me threw it.. give me their data used .. here is what I am shooting 42 gn H4350 lapua brass 140 gn hybrid (618 bc) In strelok to get it close I have to use 2750 fps and a bc of 550 .. Its a 24 in barrel 1/10 twist .. shooting 1000 ft elevation in ohio in summer 1.75 scope height.. I dont know powder temp .. divination,,, and so on.. im at 32,25 moa at 1000 and 13 moa at 600 ..17 moa at 700 .. I have shot an advance LR sniper course and have had some high scores.. but have to use to sets of data.. one to 600 and one from 700 to 1200
Rusty, just to give you a comparison. I run two 260's first is savage action/27in HV McGowan/ptg bolt/manners. #s with 140vld/612g1/2855fps/1.8 sight height/24.98Hg/47*/30%/100zero. 600=11.36moa. 1000=25.30
Second is defiance/25in #4 krieger/manners/sight 2.0/#s are g7.317 140 hybrid/2735fps/24.76Hg/60*/30%/100zero. 600=12.20. 1000=27.02. Couple suggestions, make sure zero is good, and wondering in a 10 twist is stabilizing, both of mine are 8?
First rifle h4350 42.3 Second 44.7 h4831. Using ballistic ae and shooter #'s are identical
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Here is my primary load data.
140 BTHP .580 at 2830fps
2.0 sight height
200 yd zero
77 degrees

1075=29.4(furthest confirmed shot data)
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