I don't get it....I mean, I do, because Politicians really don't have a clue, but how on Earth can you amend the Constitution in the 28th Amendment to infringe on the keeping/bearing of Arms when a prior Amendment states unequivocally , in simple language, that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?
This is why I tell my anti gun friends and family - The 2nd amendment says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. So, if you want me to give up my arms you *must* repeal the 2nd Amendment. Other wise I cannot be induced to be disarmed. "Well, that'll never happen" is the usual response.
If these dumb fucks really want to disarm US the only legal avenue is to repeal the 2nd Amendment. The people who wrote The Constitution built in a means to repeal Amendments. A standing Amendment can't be superseded by a new, contrary Amendment. These people are stupid if they think this is a legitimate stance.