28th amendment?

Frank Green

Full Member
Oct 27, 2006

However, it would raise the federal minimum age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21; mandate universal background checks to purchase firearms; institute a waiting period for all gun purchases; and ban "assault weapons."
A real 28th amendment proposal:

Ban all outside money to Federal Reps and allow them to hold no controlling interest in any company for 10 years after service.

Aka ban insider trading, lobbying, and self dealing. I don't have the proper legalese but you get the drift. You get your federal pay AND THATS IT.

All your finicial resources will be placed in a blind trust
I don't get it....I mean, I do, because Politicians really don't have a clue, but how on Earth can you amend the Constitution in the 28th Amendment to infringe on the keeping/bearing of Arms when a prior Amendment states unequivocally , in simple language, that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?

This is why I tell my anti gun friends and family - The 2nd amendment says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. So, if you want me to give up my arms you *must* repeal the 2nd Amendment. Other wise I cannot be induced to be disarmed. "Well, that'll never happen" is the usual response.

If these dumb fucks really want to disarm US the only legal avenue is to repeal the 2nd Amendment. The people who wrote The Constitution built in a means to repeal Amendments. A standing Amendment can't be superseded by a new, contrary Amendment. These people are stupid if they think this is a legitimate stance.

A real 28th amendment proposal:

Ban all outside money to Federal Reps and allow them to hold no controlling interest in any company for 10 years after service.

Aka ban insider trading, lobbying, and self dealing. I don't have the proper legalese but you get the drift. You get your federal pay AND THATS IT.

All your finicial resources will be placed in a blind trust
Don't forget banning all relatives and inlaws from the same. They'd still probably find a work around.
A real 28th amendment proposal:

Ban all outside money to Federal Reps and allow them to hold no controlling interest in any company for 10 years after service.

Aka ban insider trading, lobbying, and self dealing. I don't have the proper legalese but you get the drift. You get your federal pay AND THATS IT.

All your finicial resources will be placed in a blind trust

Don't forget banning all relatives and inlaws from the same. They'd still probably find a work around.

Be really and I mean REALLY careful what you wish for.

All you are doing is setting up new rules that mean only true political zealots will want to run or those who are incredibly wealthy.

I wouldn't be a representative under your stupid proposed rules, I'd say you deserve the vicious zealots that you'll get.
The base pay isn't nearly enough and I'd not care to have a bunch of stupid hoi-poi blathering on about what I should and shouldn't be allowed to do with my own money and my own time. Unless the hoi-poi would like me to turn the tables on them, ban them from investing ban them from making anything but a set salary I dictate...

I would actually go the opposite way of you and say that they should have a controlling interest in a company or their own company, if possible so they can see first hand what happens to their bottom line.

You think people that would like to enrich themselves are bad as leaders?
You haven't even seen the terror that those who don't care about the money but want the power to make their utopia will unleash on you.
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I don't get it....I mean, I do, because Politicians really don't have a clue, but how on Earth can you amend the Constitution in the 28th Amendment to infringe on the keeping/bearing of Arms when a prior Amendment states unequivocally , in simple language, that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?

This is why I tell my anti gun friends and family - The 2nd amendment says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. So, if you want me to give up my arms you *must* repeal the 2nd Amendment. Other wise I cannot be induced to be disarmed. "Well, that'll never happen" is the usual response.

If these dumb fucks really want to disarm US the only legal avenue is to repeal the 2nd Amendment. The people who wrote The Constitution built in a means to repeal Amendments. A standing Amendment can't be superseded by a new, contrary Amendment. These people are stupid if they think this is a legitimate stance.

Any existing constitutional amendment can be repealed but only by the ratification of another amendment. Because repealing amendments must be proposed and ratified by one of the same two methods of regular amendments, they are very rare.
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Be really and I mean REALLY careful what you wish for.

All you are doing is setting up new rules that mean only true political zealots will want to run or those who are incredibly wealthy.

I wouldn't be a representative under your stupid proposed rules, I'd say you deserve the vicious zealots that you'll get.
The base pay isn't nearly enough and I'd not care to have a bunch of stupid hoi-poi blathering on about what I should and shouldn't be allowed to do with my own money and my own time. Unless the hoi-poi would like me to turn the tables on them, ban them from investing ban them from making anything but a set salary I dictate...

I would actually go the opposite way of you and say that they should have a controlling interest in a company or their own company, if possible so they can see first hand what happens to their bottom line.

You think people that would like to enrich themselves are bad as leaders?
You haven't even seen the terror that those who don't care about the money but want the power to make their utopia will unleash on you.
To be clear, I was referencing Pelosi when I wrote that. I have no proposed solutions on the matter. Legislating moral conduct is impossible.

I don't think requiring them to own or have a stake in a company would help either. I could very easily see someone running for office in order to make things favorable to their own company, if not outright abusing procurment and contracting.
I don't get it....I mean, I do, because Politicians really don't have a clue, but how on Earth can you amend the Constitution in the 28th Amendment to infringe on the keeping/bearing of Arms when a prior Amendment states unequivocally , in simple language, that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?

This is why I tell my anti gun friends and family - The 2nd amendment says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. So, if you want me to give up my arms you *must* repeal the 2nd Amendment. Other wise I cannot be induced to be disarmed. "Well, that'll never happen" is the usual response.

If these dumb fucks really want to disarm US the only legal avenue is to repeal the 2nd Amendment. The people who wrote The Constitution built in a means to repeal Amendments. A standing Amendment can't be superseded by a new, contrary Amendment. These people are stupid if they think this is a legitimate stance.


Incorrect. The 2nd recognizes a God given right that no earthly power has the right to remove.

They can vote whatever they want, it's still wrong.
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Progressives are only setting the ground work. They are trying to move the center farther left. The Gen Zs of the world are and have been taught to dislike guns. They will continue to do this in the public schools until conservatives start teaching or the 2nd Amendment is over turned. It wont happen in my life time, but if they are allowed to continue it will eventually happen.

Just think in 50 years from now the Trans shit will be normalized because of all the ground work being done now. And so will they push to get rid of the 2nd Amendment until they have enough of the Gen Zs in politics to get it done. We must continue to educate the newer generations or all will be lost. Shit right now a large portion of the Gen Zs think Socialism is the way forward.
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Progressives are only setting the ground work. They are trying to move the center farther left. The Gen Zs of the world are and have been taught to dislike guns. They will continue to do this in the public schools until conservatives start teaching or the 2nd Amendment is over turned. It wont happen in my life time, but if they are allowed to continue it will eventually happen.

Just think in 50 years from now the Trans shit will be normalized because of all the ground work being done now. And so will they to push to get rid of the 2nd Amendment until they have enough of the Gen Zs in politics to get it done. We must continue to educate the newer generations or all will be lost. Shit right now a large portion of the Gen Zs think Socialism is the way forward.
Now this is very much the case. This is why the only hope is for all of us to get involved LOCALLY. ITS ALL ABOUT LOCAL. That's where you will have the impact and thata where the direction of each state comes from. Mainly, get on school boards. Make it happen boys. There is a growing contingent of people who have had enough of this liberal insanity but no one knows what to do about it. Getting involved locally and getting serious about this is the only way.

Let's be honest, Which side takes the action ? When it becomes us, we will do away with this crap but not until then.
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Progressives are only setting the ground work. They are trying to move the center farther left. The Gen Zs of the world are and have been taught to dislike guns. They will continue to do this in the public schools until conservatives start teaching or the 2nd Amendment is over turned. It wont happen in my life time, but if they are allowed to continue it will eventually happen.

Just think in 50 years from now the Trans shit will be normalized because of all the ground work being done now. And so will they to push to get rid of the 2nd Amendment until they have enough of the Gen Zs in politics to get it done. We must continue to educate the newer generations or all will be lost. Shit right now a large portion of the Gen Zs think Socialism is the way forward.
Exactly! That's why I posted the link.

Might not happen now.... but they keep pushing it.... i.e. lay the ground work so they can get it changed. Unless we start doing something about all of this stuff going on.
It's like Newsome saying in the last sentence.... "ban assault weapons"

Who gets to define what an assault weapon is?

Lay a baseball bat, a steak knife and a rifle on a table.... technically none of them are assault weapons right? Just different tools for a different job.

Grab the baseball bat and beat a guy to death..... then that's an assault weapon! No?
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However, it would raise the federal minimum age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21; mandate universal background checks to purchase firearms; institute a waiting period for all gun purchases; and ban "assault weapons."
An important part that was mentioned that his proposal also would authorize state and local government gun control laws by eliminating pre-emption laws. The pandoras box of every OTHER thing they want to do to ban guns and put away gun owners.
I believe a poll should be taken at Gettysburg Military Park by the people most effected by gun control proposals. Each politician would stand on one side of the battlefield holding a sign with their gun control proposals. The American Patriots would be standing on the other side of the battlefield ready with their iron pens to cross out the proposals they didn't care for........
......Just think in 50 years from now the Trans shit will be normalized because of all the ground work being done now.....
On the contrary. Trannies are all by definition genetical "cul de sacs"! I can't wait for 50 years but my children and grandchildren will be here to see it.
Just clickbait, there hasn’t been a meaningful amendment to the constitution in more than 50 years, the only thing 2/3 can agree on is their own pay raises, which they do often oddly enough. This is just red meat for the most unhinged liberals, I doubt 2/3 congress or the states in the current climate could agree on anything, other than their own pay raises of course.
A real 28th amendment proposal:

Ban all outside money to Federal Reps and allow them to hold no controlling interest in any company for 10 years after service.

Aka ban insider trading, lobbying, and self dealing. I don't have the proper legalese but you get the drift. You get your federal pay AND THATS IT.

All your finicial resources will be placed in a blind trust
And if you get caught cheating? Just dont. You will regret the outcome...briefly.
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In this political climate I doubt anybody could get something properly ratified to be in the constitution.
Just look at how the ERA which was the darling of all the left wing moonbats went nowhere.
I assume you mean the EPA, correct?

Yet it still managed to drain billions…hell, trillions of dollars into multiple bureaucracies.
It's pap for his brain dead zombie liberal followers and to get him some publicity.

Never happen. There are easier ways to do this but you do you, Navin Grewsome.
I know politician's are stupid morons, but the Supreme Court has already ruled that if a firearm is "in common use", any ban from ownership is unconstitutional and a violation of the 2nd amendment. Period.
They are playing with fire, when Charlton Heston received the Ten Amendments that was darn plenty!

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It's like Newsome saying in the last sentence.... "ban assault weapons"

Who gets to define what an assault weapon is?

Lay a baseball bat, a steak knife and a rifle on a table.... technically none of them are assault weapons right? Just different tools for a different job.

Grab the baseball bat and beat a guy to death..... then that's an assault weapon! No?
He will of course, if he becomes President, which he is setting himself up to do. I've been sounding the alarm on this P.O.S. for 2 years and if it becomes a reality he will have us wishing Biden was the first no term limit President.

I honestly think Newsome is Hilary after a successful operation.
they can't even pass laws in this country what about the government disfunction makes you think getting a 2/3 majority together is ever going to happen . I see it as another if it happens then I'll give it a second thought talk is cheap they are as close as my dreams of putting all politicians in an active volcano ( just for there protection ) to happening .
Meh, he's gonna do it by EO when he's el presidente soon. Or if he gets tagged to be VP, Rice will do it. Not sure which one gets to play boss but those are your next dear leaders.
He will of course, if he becomes President, which he is setting himself up to do. I've been sounding the alarm on this P.O.S. for 2 years and if it becomes a reality he will have us wishing Biden was the first no term limit President.

I honestly think Newsome is Hilary after a successful operation.
I can visualize Hillary with her strapon giving it to Newsome in his pink skirt.