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2A to be Eliminated in OR Soon


Jun 12, 2022
No 2A OR

As expected, the clearly unconstitutional HB 2005, with the -11 amendment passed out of the Ways and Means Committee today on a party line vote. (Even the lawyer who wrote the bill told the committee that it’s likely much of the bill is unconstitutional.)
The bill will NOT be considered by a senate committee, something that was pointed out by Republicans on Ways and Means. So the Senate will not get to consider the policies in the bill, though they still will be voting on it.
This bill bans young adults from possessing modern firearms and prohibits licensed concealed carry in as-of-yet undefined areas across the state.
The bill will also effectively turn all AR-15 rifles into contraband. There are no exceptions for previously owned rifles or law enforcement.
This is because of the new definition of “receiver” that was crafted by the drafter of the bill. And here it is:
Receiver” means the part of a rifle, shotgun or projectile weapon other than a handgun, or a variant of a rifle, shotgun or projectile weapon other than a handgun, that provides housing or a structure for the primary component designed to block or seal the breech prior to initiation of the firing sequence, even if pins or other attachments are required to connect the component to the housing or structure.
While this is an attempt to copy the more recent federal definition, it does not recognize any exceptions. And obviously, this is NOT a description of an AR-15 lower, which has always been the regulated part.
Under this definition, previously unregulated uppers will be required to have serial numbers. It’s not clear how the many thousands of these rifles currently in the possession of Oregonians can comply.
Given that many distributors have stopped shipping magazines to Oregon because of their fears of Mz 114, it’s hard to imagine that any will continue to ship AR’s or AR uppers to Oregon once this becomes law.
This issue was briefly mentioned in the committee by House Rep Rick Lewis and was promptly ignored.
We do NOT recommend you watch this hearing when the video recording is uploaded. You will lose what little faith you have in humanity. But we can point out some low lights.
Anti-gun activist Sara Gelser noted how happy she was when “they” (meaning her daughter) was unarmed while being robbed at gun point. (Not a misprint.)
She also noted that people under 21 who were involved in mass shootings are not mentally ill, just not properly developed. And therefore they lack the maturity to own modern firearms. Senator Findley pointed out the apparent incongruity for Gelser’s strong support for children’s rights to have sex changes without their parent’s consent. For that decision, apparently, 15 year olds are well equipped.
Senator Lew Fredrick emotionally decried that deaths of so many of the kids in his inner city district and the funerals he had to attend, somehow neglecting to mention that the kids who were being killed in his district were being killed by kids in his district. A peculiar oversight.
More disturbing, but not surprising, was his comments about not wanting to hear about the “constitution,” that pesky document he took an oath to uphold.
The implications of this bill are staggering. It’s unknown how it will be enforced or how gun owners and dealers will deal with the new regulations which clearly the people who wrote the bill do not understand.
What is clear is this. If the Republicans are on the floor when this bill is voted on in either house, they will have effectively voted “yes” simply by being there and all the comments and remonstrances against the bill will be pointless fluff.
Thousands and thousands of Oregonians are going to lose basic rights under this insanity. The Republicans can stop it.
Remind them of that fact.
Senate Republican Leader Tim Knopp
House Republican Leader Vikki Breese Iverson
Also moving forward SB 348 It includes Hi cap mag bans retroactively. Illegal and unconstitutional. Ex Post Facto
What is clear is, is that along with all the other elements of these bills, anyone with any firearm’s magazine will be subject to arrest after it becomes law. And despite the incorrect information given today by the committee counsel, under SB 348, if you are charged with possession of a magazine, you have no right to the presumption of innocence. The “affirmative defense” mentioned in the bill means it will be up to you to prove you’re not guilty. And by the way, that’s impossible. No photograph or receipt means a damn thing for devices that all look alike and have no serial numbers.