TEXAS SHOOTERS: Please answer these questions ASAP so we can better plan the event. This year's event will be held at THE RIFLE RANCH , in exchange for home state turf we will travel to Oklahoma for next year's event. The Club officers are planning to choose the top 15 Club shooters based off of this year's rankings, previous rankings, etc..
We will also need volunteers to RO and 5 alternate shooters to fill in last minute.
Based on our answers and Oklahoma's answers we will finalize the event.
Texas Club members only link here. ----------->TEXAS PRC CLUB MEMBERS ONLY REGISTRATION SIGN UP and POLL
sign up poll here: -------------> OKLAHOMA OPPS MEMBERS ONLY
All details should be final within a week or so.
Last year's Winners Team Oklahoma
We will also need volunteers to RO and 5 alternate shooters to fill in last minute.
Based on our answers and Oklahoma's answers we will finalize the event.
Texas Club members only link here. ----------->TEXAS PRC CLUB MEMBERS ONLY REGISTRATION SIGN UP and POLL
sign up poll here: -------------> OKLAHOMA OPPS MEMBERS ONLY
All details should be final within a week or so.
Last year's Winners Team Oklahoma