After much consideration and thought into re barreling my savage 110 I have decided to use what I have and focus my money on my wife's new found love for the shooting sport. So in a nut shell for my future happiness and ability to get more of the cool stuff because she wants to also I am sticking with the 30-06. So here is the question what in your experience is the best round as in bullet weight for the 30-06. Within the next year I rather my wife want to get a Dillion 550 which was a surprise to me but she said that I had to get my own. So until then should I stick with the 175 Grains or is there something better. This will be used for distance shooting and come deer season it will need to be an accurate killi g machine not to exceed 300 yards. I only say that as I do as of now do not feel comfortable beyond that distance.