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300 Norma


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Dec 26, 2020
Charlotte, NC
Just starting to look around for a 300 Norma barreled action. I have a couple great smiths that spin up my 6's and such for PRS. My question is, are there folks that specialize or would recommend more for the larger stuff? Such as 300NM or 375CT? tia
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Chad Dixon at LRI can supply a K&P barrel chambered to suit your selected cartridge configuration.
Numerous .300NM shooters are migrating to the .300NM 35 degree Improved.
Other gunsmiths known for .300NM:
Alex Wheeler
Ryan Pierce
Action selection will be a key consideration.
Since .300NM barrels are a "consumable", an action machined for pre-fit barrel can save you time and expense shipping your action to a gunsmith each time you need a new barrel fitted.
Speaking of barrel life...suggest you avoid N570 powder.
The .300NM thread in Reloading forum has lots of useful information, too.
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Chad Dixon at LRI can supply a K&P barrel chambered to suit your selected cartridge configuration.
Numerous .300NM shooters are migrating to the .300NM 35 degree Improved.
Other gunsmiths known for .300NM:
Alex Wheeler
Ryan Pierce
Action selection will be a key consideration.
Since .300NM barrels are a "consumable", an action machined for pre-fit barrel can save you time and expense shipping your action to a gunsmith each time you need a new barrel fitted.
Speaking of barrel life...suggest you avoid N570 powder.
The .300NM thread in Reloading forum has lots of useful information, too.
You should only ever need to ship your action to the same smith once.
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Just starting to look around for a 300 Norma barreled action. I have a couple great smiths that spin up my 6's and such for PRS. My question is, are there folks that specialize or would recommend more for the larger stuff? Such as 300NM or 375CT? tia
There is a lot of info on Accurateshooter.com from Ryan about 300 Norma IMP. chambers. I shoot his on a Kelblys action which was a mistake . Dont get me wrong Ryans work shined . There is one component overlooked with this round and that is the proper sized action . If you talk with Alex Wheeler he will bring this up . Bolt set back can be an issue . Therefore look at Jim Bordens Big Foot action which is made for this Chamber . Ryan Pierce at https://www.piercisionrifles.com/ did have them in stock with a timed trigger.
Other wise look for a Bat M action . Once you get involved with the 300 N improved you will be hooked . 230gr Berger hybrid /N570 is the combo for the win . Remember case capacity ,meaning fill ratio is important, N570 is a long stick powder which fills the case up and is very consistent.
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There is a lot of info on Accurateshooter.com from Ryan about 300 Norma IMP. chambers. I shoot his on a Kelblys action which was a mistake . Dont get me wrong Ryans work shined . There is one component overlooked with this round and that is the proper sized action . If you talk with Alex Wheeler he will bring this up . Bolt set back can be an issue . Therefore look at Jim Bordens Big Foot action which is made for this Chamber . Ryan Pierce at https://www.piercisionrifles.com/ did have them in stock with a timed trigger.
Other wise look for a Bat M action . Once you get involved with the 300 N improved you will be hooked . 230gr Berger hybrid /N570 is the combo for the win . Remember case capacity ,meaning fill ratio is important, N570 is a long stick powder which fills the case up and is very consistent.
A couple of question on the Norma Imp. With the extra speed of the Improved, how many rounds per barrel?
I guess you are fire forming your own brass? tia

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The improved version is to improve the design overall. I found factory Berger ammo ,230,s over H1000 @2950+ to be accurate and consistent. On the other hand 215s @3150 /N570 where also accurate and consistent.
The bbl of choice is a Brux HP 26" 1:9.
Expect 600-900 rds conservativly.
When it comes to FF brass. Make sure your chamber is for Lapua or which ever brass you like, there not all going to work in every chamber.
The chamber indexes of the neck shoulder so factory ammo will FF. Like I said earlier factory ammo shoots lights out at 2950.
Going forward get a seating die blank and have a FLR die made. Take good notes.
Look out for a shinny ring at the base and an inside doughnut which matches up in location. This means your brass is cooked.
After just one firing your brass will be close if not blown out to the imp. Spec.
If your just starting out. There will be a lot of time getting your ballistic calc. Set up . Learning about azimuth angle. Not sure thats spelled right... reading the wind etc.
1k to 15 yds has more variables.
The first time you send a round and can count 1001 before theres a splash on target. Youll be hooked!
I think I get it. it's the case/tenon diameter ratio. Not enough supporting steel. And probably why Remington only offered 338LM chambered police rifles for a very short time.
I can't help with the OP's question but thought that I would provide this video as a confidence booster for that cartridge. Almost 2.2 miles with a TOF of about 9 seconds.

My apologies for the thread drift.

I cool my barrel every 5 rounds, that dude don’t give a fuuuuuuuck
I use to do that as well. However, I put a temperature strip on the barrel. So when it gets up to 110 degrees, I let it cool.

When the temperature drops back down to what the ambient temperature is, I start shooting again. Depending on what the outside temperature is, I can shoot about 10-12 rounds before I pause shooting again.
I don’t understand why a standard action can handle 300 RUM or 300 Nosler but not 300 NMI?

There's definitely a few schools of thought here. Though this discourse seems mostly academic, given the numerous .300NMs built on more standard sized actions.

I have a .300NM built on a Defiance Deviant. .750 bolt, but as a result of that it has reduced lug size. It seems to show pressure earlier than other .300NMs, which some say is a function of the action/tennon size. Or it could just be that particular barrel. I've yet to burn the original barrel out yet, so IDK.

If you value extra safety factor, doesn't hurt to go with a bigger action. The Surgeon 1581XL always seemed like a great action for this purpose - though inlets and barrels with appropriate tennon size are limited. If not, you have lots of company in more "standard" action sizes.

I'm still not convinced that the size of the action/tennon/lugs has much of a practical difference at this point. But I'm also a nobody.
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