300 Ultra Mag action???


Full Member
  • Oct 15, 2007
    S E of Dallas,TX.
    I have a stainless 300 Ultra action that is currently chambered in 300 WM. I've been itching to build something else lately and have been pondering the 338 Edge. What other options are there specifically for this action for ELR? Thanks for any opinions~
    The Edge or Lapua Mag is about as big as you'll be able to go (could be wrong). You could go to about any magnum like the 7mm Rem mag, .338 Ultra Mag, etc. Keep in mind with the Edge you will have to modify the action unless you plan to single feed.
    I just had Meredith build me a 300RUM with an extended box mag. Used a stainless sendero as the base and the rifle turned out awesome. It shoots the 208AMax at 3226FPS and is a .5 moa or better gun with H1000. This gun should do anything I need to and has a great deal less recoil than my 338 Lapua.
    one thing to be aware of is building the lapua mag you will have to buy another bolt face as it is larger. some have had a smith open the bolt face up but I have heard mixed reviews on that. Never done it myself. lots of great performing cartridges available to build off your action for ELR. In fact the 300 rum IMO is one of them when running the 215gr or 230gr berger. the 338 edge and rum also perform well if you have the action cut for the wyatts extended mag box to seat em long you can still have a repeater.