My gun:
T/C Encore pro hunter
w/ 28" barrel
1-10" twist
R-P brass
WLR primer
79gr. H1000
178 gr. Amax
3.495 OAL
.020 off the lands
3020 fps
E.S. 7
3/4 MOA at 100 yds
I pushed this load up to 83gr. before getting pressure signs. The load above was my best overall load. At 82gr. I hit another node but the groups were inconsistant. So I dropped back to 79 gr. and let it ride. I set a target up at 250 yds today to get it zero'd for hunting and thats when I found out why the load was inconsistant with hotter loads. First shot a little high & left. Moved down and over and shot two more rounds. I couldn't find them so I tried again but my hit was high and looked a little big so I then loaded another round to check my self and the paint can I had my target taped to went to flipping in mid air about 5'. I thought I must have hit the top or bottom rim on the can causeing it to go air borne and on my way down there I got to thinking the load was not near as accurate as it looked at 100yds. After getting to the can I could see my problem. Bullets are exploding in mid air after 100yds. I guess it's to much velocity for the 178's.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Kinda sucks after all the time and money spent making this load but I'm glad I checked my zero at 250 before going hunting and wounding an animal.
Here is a picture. It has two 100yds shots showing from zeroing my new scope to compare to the top left 250 and the gapping hole on the bottom right also 250. You can see all the lead splatter on the can and paper.
T/C Encore pro hunter
w/ 28" barrel
1-10" twist
R-P brass
WLR primer
79gr. H1000
178 gr. Amax
3.495 OAL
.020 off the lands
3020 fps
E.S. 7
3/4 MOA at 100 yds
I pushed this load up to 83gr. before getting pressure signs. The load above was my best overall load. At 82gr. I hit another node but the groups were inconsistant. So I dropped back to 79 gr. and let it ride. I set a target up at 250 yds today to get it zero'd for hunting and thats when I found out why the load was inconsistant with hotter loads. First shot a little high & left. Moved down and over and shot two more rounds. I couldn't find them so I tried again but my hit was high and looked a little big so I then loaded another round to check my self and the paint can I had my target taped to went to flipping in mid air about 5'. I thought I must have hit the top or bottom rim on the can causeing it to go air borne and on my way down there I got to thinking the load was not near as accurate as it looked at 100yds. After getting to the can I could see my problem. Bullets are exploding in mid air after 100yds. I guess it's to much velocity for the 178's.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Kinda sucks after all the time and money spent making this load but I'm glad I checked my zero at 250 before going hunting and wounding an animal.
Here is a picture. It has two 100yds shots showing from zeroing my new scope to compare to the top left 250 and the gapping hole on the bottom right also 250. You can see all the lead splatter on the can and paper.