300 WM 230gr OAL question


Full Member
Aug 19, 2010
Chandler, AZ
Building a repeater 300 WM with focus on shooting those 230gr berger hybrids (not the OTM) exclusively. I would like to keep everything magazine fed but still get some of the ridiculous velocities I see some of you guys getting with the 230s.

My question is what OAL are you guys loading them too? I see lots of references to needing to single feed but not much info on actual OAL. Is anyone running a CIP length dbm with either converted 338 magazines or the Mcree extended 300 win mags? Thanks gents.
Just curious and will try the 230's when I get my 300 Sako TRG 42 but how does the b.C. compare to the 250 and 300 grain 338 Lapua? I was told it can give the Lapua a run for the money out to 2000 yards?
Just curious and will try the 230's when I get my 300 Sako TRG 42 but how does the b.C. compare to the 250 and 300 grain 338 Lapua? I was told it can give the Lapua a run for the money out to 2000 yards?

If you can run them fast enough, even the 215's will give the 250 and 300 scenars a run for their money. I am running the 215 at 3,034 fps and depending on the atmospheric conditions , it's supersonic to 1980 yards and I'm only 300 to 400 ASL. The 230 hybrids I'm running at 2955 fps and its supersonic to about 2,000 yards. The 215 is actually flatter and wind drift is only 9" more at 2,000 yards with a 10 mph 90 degree wind compared to the 230's. However, they are barrel burners so I really don't shoot them all that much. Trying to save the bbl life. I've got my hands on some Lapua .300 win mag brass and there is enough case capacity in those where I can run the 215 at 3100 fps with 78.5 h1000 at 3.715 (2.945 to ogive).
I shot a few running 3034 fps at 1330 yards a week ago or so and it was only 10.1 mils to hit a 2x2' ar500 plate.
So, in a nutshell, you can run them faster, shoot them flatter , and although it depends on how fast the .338 is running, the 215 and 230 , will keep up to a certain point. Obviously the .338 is going to have a good bit more energy, but out to a mile, they both retain plenty of energy and then some.
I built my .300 win because I HAD GROWN TIRED of putting in more powder into more expensive brass loaded with more expensive bullets into my .338 Lapua. I put a 30" Broughton 5c 1:10 with a Badger Thruster, Jewell HVR, AICS, Bushnell XRS, with a trued 700 action and had it throated long. So, while I can shoot the 230 OTM and great AWESOME accuracy at 2900 fps and still mag feed, most of my loads are single fed due to the longer throat. But that's where I can stuff more powder into the case, not be jammed , get more velocity and have the same pressure.
My next barrel will be a heavier contoured one, fluted , because the one I have now is Sendero contoured and heats up pretty quick.
I have run the 225's, & 230 Hybrid Target head to head against a couple of 338LM out to 2000+. I was keeping right up till we went past 2000yd. I think I could have kept up even out there, but we couldn't see the splash from mine anymore while the we had no problem seeing splash from he 300gr Bergers. I guess the extra energy, & mass does have a benefit for target shooting out there. I'm running the 230 @ 2900 fps out of a 1:10" Krieger.
I have run the 225's, & 230 Hybrid Target head to head against a couple of 338LM out to 2000+. I was keeping right up till we went past 2000yd. I think I could have kept up even out there, but we couldn't see the splash from mine anymore while the we had no problem seeing splash from he 300gr Bergers. I guess the extra energy, & mass does have a benefit for target shooting out there. I'm running the 230 @ 2900 fps out of a 1:10" Krieger.

Were you at 22 to 23 mils at 2,000??
I use MOA. With a 27.00" hg station pressure, & 90*F I need 73.7 moa to 2000 with the 230's. I can't seem to find my notes from that day, but IIRC the St-Press was in the 25's, & temp was a tad cooler. So maybe 76moa +/-. I'll try to dig out my notes from that day. I posted a pic with all the rocks marked, etc, & listed the dope, etc there. Can't believe I didn't write it down in my log...:( Pretty sure you posted in that thread.
The data I did write down was for the 225's, & they were 79 moa to 2000yds. But that was last year. Before I switched.
230 Berger hybrid match bullet. 3.682" OAL. .010" off the lands. CIP length mag made by Accurate Mag. Winchester brass. Federal magnum primers.

74 grains of H1000 at 2775 fps. This is a slightly soft load in my gun but it's very accurate and holds .5 moa. I've run up to 80 grains with no pressure signs but accuracy suffers and recoil is heavy. Velocity was approx. 3000 fps.

I needed 11.7 mils to hit at 1340 yards (3320 d.a) yesterday but I had first round hits on a 6" diameter rock and held a 10" group for 10 rounds. There was almost no wind which helped quite a bit.
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Berger 230 hybrid match bullet. 3.692" OAL. .010" off the lands. CIP length mag.

74 grains of H1000 at 2775 fps. This is a slightly soft load in my gun but it's very accurate and holds .5 moa. I've run up to 80 grains with no pressure signs but accuracy suffers and recoil is heavy. Velocity was approx. 2975 fps.

What brass / primers? Thanks for the data!

I use MOA. With a 27.00" hg station pressure, & 90*F I need 73.7 moa to 2000 with the 230's. I can't seem to find my notes from that day, but IIRC the St-Press was in the 25's, & temp was a tad cooler. So maybe 76moa +/-. I'll try to dig out my notes from that day. I posted a pic with all the rocks marked, etc, & listed the dope, etc there. Can't believe I didn't write it down in my log...:( Pretty sure you posted in that thread.
The data I did write down was for the 225's, & they were 79 moa to 2000yds. But that was last year. Before I switched.

If you were at 76 moa that's 22.1 mils. Give or take obviously. But man that's awesome shooting. The Bergers have definitely upped the ELR game for the .30 caliber magnums
Yeah. I wish we could have seen my splash out there. Unfortunately our LRF wouldn't read to 2000yd so we SWAG the range out there, & guessed close enough to see splash from the 300gr Bergers, but using the same guess we couldn't see mine. Obviously they don't splash as big as the 300s did. When I got home I Google Earth ranged it to approximately 2170yds. At that range I think I was dropping about 4'/10yds, & just wasn't hitting where we could see them. I was still right in there with him @ 1920yds. I needed a couple more moa elevation, & a tad more windage than he did, but I was still hitting the same roughly 1-1 1/2 moa rocks with the same, or better consistency as he was. This was with the 225's though. My only experience with the 230s was a ELR match held 4 days after I worked the load up. Didn't have any time to verify anything other than my 100yd zero, & took 1st place, & got a 1st rnd hit on a oversized turkey @ 1645yds up a 18* uphill. Hit it 50% out of 10 shots. I just fed everything I had into FFS, & did what it told me so I think it must have been right on the money.
Once I can FINALLY find a place here in Texas to shoot that far I'll get more data on the 230 Hybrid Target.
I got two 300 win mag, one in 24" and one with 27" barrels. I can't imagine how some are getting 2900fps with the 230s. I can't get them to go faster than 2775 with the 27", I must have the slowest barrel on the planet. Also, I can't imagine brass and barrel lasting very long pushing even the 215s at 3000 FPS. I am not been critical, I am just amazed.
I got two 300 win mag, one in 24" and one with 27" barrels. I can't imagine how some are getting 2900fps with the 230s. I can't get them to go faster than 2775 with the 27", I must have the slowest barrel on the planet. Also, I can't imagine brass and barrel lasting very long pushing even the 215s at 3000 FPS. I am not been critical, I am just amazed.

What oal and powder are you running?