300 wsm: 1-10, 1-9.5, or 1-9 twist


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Feb 28, 2018
I’m sticking to the 200 grain bullets and heavier for this gun. Mainly looking at trying the 212 Eld-x and 215 Berger’s, preferably the 212 Eld-x.
My gut is thinking I should be ok with a 1-9.5 twist for both of those bullets, but not sure what the general consensus is. I have heard of the jacket coming apart on the Hornady ELD-M with too high of a twist, but not sure if that’s just internet rumors.
Get a 9.5 twist. Well probably be in the 2700-2750ish range for velocity. You are in the lower 200k for RPM. Also look at getting 5R over conventional 4 groove. The 5R well help with jacket failures.
If possible, try doing some research on what twist other competitive shooters are using in your caliber. Discussing this with barrel manufactures may also provide some insight. My 300 WSM is a hunting rifle with 1-10 twist and I've never seen the need for anything over 200gr. for the animals I hunt. However, the old adage of going with a faster twist considering the bullet weights up to 240gr., etc. might be a better choice.
If possible, try doing some research on what twist other competitive shooters are using in your caliber. Discussing this with barrel manufactures may also provide some insight. My 300 WSM is a hunting rifle with 1-10 twist and I've never seen the need for anything over 200gr. for the animals I hunt. However, the old adage of going with a faster twist considering the bullet weights up to 240gr., etc. might be a better choice.

This is going to be a hunting rifle, but will cover primarily moose, elk, and bear. Sure you can kill a moose with a 180 gr, but I prefer to pack a heavier bullet in the 200-225 range when grizzlies are around.
I’m sticking to the 200 grain bullets and heavier for this gun. Mainly looking at trying the 212 Eld-x and 215 Berger’s, preferably the 212 Eld-x.
My gut is thinking I should be ok with a 1-9.5 twist for both of those bullets, but not sure what the general consensus is. I have heard of the jacket coming apart on the Hornady ELD-M with too high of a twist, but not sure if that’s just internet rumors.
id go with 9.5 twist, without knowing your barrel length, so the heavier pills can be used.
since 24" will have less mv then the 9.5 twist. i asked the company that made my 308 if the would replace the barrel, at my cost, for one with a 10:1 instead of 11.75:1...they laughed.
My 26” .308 win is a 1-9” and shoots factory FGMM 175gr at 2750fps into small clusters. If I was going to build a 300prc, 300 wm, or 300wsm, it would be a 1-9”. If it won’t over spin the lighter stuff then I couldn’t imagine a 1-9” overspinning the heavies.