308 Handguard


Preston Walsh Fitness
Full Member
Feb 10, 2017
Central AL

Has anyone had experience with this Wilson Combat handguard? I’d like to have a quad rail, but this would definitely save some weight compared to the SLR rail I am looking at, not to mention money.

Purpose: building a utilitarian 16” 308 large pattern rifle. 0-600(+), relatively lightweight, something that could be considered an M4 with higher energy on target.

Is that barrel nut with the new ones needing timing?

Based on the picture, it is the same barrel nut that I had. You just have to use the shims as needed and line up the screw holes pretty spot on. There is not more than a 1/16" wiggle room when mounting the rail to the nut so making sure its timed correctly and within the 30ish foot pounds of torque made this one a little less appealing than other options on the market. Thats just my opinion. Others may love this rail. Just a matter of personal preference. It's not sub par by any means.
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I don’t mind taking a huge amount of time during install, so I may can be ok with it considering its half the price of an SLR and 4oz lighter.

Any flex in the rail or is it solid enough for someone not jumping out of aircraft?

I don’t mind taking a huge amount of time during install, so I may can be ok with it considering its half the price of an SLR and 4oz lighter.

Any flex in the rail or is it solid enough for someone not jumping out of aircraft?

I've had no issues with flex. I have 2 rifles (one factory from Wilson, the other is a 300blk build I did). Neither rifle has flex issues or any quality concerns. I have never had quality issues with Wilson. Always been a great product. I had a 3rd rail that I ended up selling only because I ended up buying another rifle so wanted a few bucks in my pocket and held off on another build haha.
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I bought the Wilson handguard for a Creedmoor build. It’s nice and I’m happy with it. I don’t remember having much trouble timing and torquing the barrel nut. I did buy a crowfoot wrench at Harbor Freight that I machined thinner to fit the wrench flats. An adjustable wrench large enough to fit the nut will likely be too thick.
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Well, WC is running 20% off right now so I picked up their handguard, their 16” Recon barrel, SLR Sentry 7, and WC’s intermediate gas tube.

Just need a charging handle and a Huxwrx muzzle device for my suppressor to round out the upper.
...you didn't mention what receiver set you plan to put them on, receivers come in two formats, "low" and "high", which dictates the handguard type to get. I do know SLR makes both high & low for DPMS pattern receivers, CMT Tactical makes high for DPMS pattern receivers.

I use both SLR & CMT and both are good to go. The barrel nuts differ, SLR uses a crowfoot (or their wrench) and CMT includes their wrench. The SLR wrench is more robust and better designed for multiple installs/removals, the CMT is functional but less robust. Both do not require timing for the gas tube, or require use of shims. HG attachment to the barrel nut is similar, i.e. uses self aligning, tightening "wedge-lock". Good luck on your build.
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