.308 with Hodgon Titegroup.


May 13, 2010
Hi, I have a jug of titegroup and found the load data for .308 with 168gn SMK and 8gn of Titegroup at the Hodgon Website.
I assume it is safe when it is on their website. I read that Titegroup is not position sensitive
I have a Savage 1-10 twist 20" barrel. The rifle published in the load data has a 24" 1-12 barrel.
When I run the load with quickload it shows faster than 1080 ft/sec ,that Hodgon lists.

Somebody tried this load or any other load with Titegroup?
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For subsonic loads there are far better cartridges that are actaully designed to be used for that purpose.
But it is doable if you just want to try it.
Just off of memory and I have never used it most people use Trailboss for what you are wanting to do.
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Yes I read your question and no where did you mention the load, that you wanted to run subs or what bullet weight.

you just mentioned a rifle with a velocity from quick load asking if anyone had tried that load no details on powder throw weight, bullet weight or anything.

might want to re-read your op and come up with a concise question like

“has anyone tried using 8grains of titegroup to push a 168smk at subsonic speeds? Quick load is saying I will be just over 1080fps with a 20 1:10 twist barrel”
According to Google:
.38spl case volume is 1.52mL or 23.4gr of water
.308 case volume is 3.64mL or ~56gr of water

1.52/3.64 = 41.7%

I've gone as low as 3gr of Titegroup in .38 loads without failures or issue.

If they're saying 8gr works, compared to my 3gr thats 37.5%... so according to my shotty math, the ratio of 8gr to .308 case capacity is higher than the 3gr of Titegroup I've used in my .38 loads.

I've found that using a small rifle or small pistol magnum primer in my light loads helps a lot with consistency. I have tested powder position and it didn't seem to have any effect, so I think they're right when they talk about Titegroup and ignition.

I would try a large rifle magnum primer, [x]grains of Titegroup, and like 175-215gr bullet (if it stabilizes). From what I know the magnum primer is going to have a longer cone of ignition with more priming compound, so I would think that would do a better job at igniting the small amount of titegroup in there.

Worth a shot... let us know how it goes
I have tried Titeground in both .308 and .223. Kind of a novelty thing, but repeatable accuracy once you figure out the drop for a distance.

I found accuracy was best using flat based bullets, perhaps because they are shorter/more stable for the weight? So 180gn round nose, flat based based bullets for .308 and 55gn flat base for .223.
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I have tried Titeground in both .308 and .223. Kind of a novelty thing, but repeatable accuracy once you figure out the drop for a distance.

I found accuracy was best using flat based bullets, perhaps because they are shorter/more stable for the weight? So 180gn round nose, flat based based bullets for .308 and 55gn flat base for .223.
Hi, what was the accuracy at 100 yds and how much Titegroup did you use on 180gn bullets? I planning to start at 8,5gn and step down till 7,5gn!