
Full Member
Sep 8, 2017
Are there any places that can custom build a high quality M40A1 Unertl style welded one piece base/rings in 30mm?

I am budget building an A1 clone using an SWFA 10x MIL/MOA which uses a 30mm tube. I am currently using a Badger steel 20moa base and steel Max-50 rings because I like durability, but just doesn't look vintage enough for me (pics attached). Rifle will be used at some local fun PRS style matches and some vintage matches but I can't justify the expense for a Unertl 10x or USO.

I was going to use the 30mm Leupold dual dovetail rings but the Leupold only uses 3 screws for the base. I would prefer it utilize all 4 base screws, have the ocular cutout, and have the rings be welded to the base for durability.

How durable will the welded Unertl style mount be compared to my current Badger setup? Durability is my #1 priority with this build, esthetics is #2. I think the current setup is bomb proof, but just not that 1980's A1 vibe I am looking for. I will drop the cash on a custom built Unertl style 30mm welded base/rings if the durability, quality and reliability is there.


P.S. I am also posting this in another thread incase you see it pop up twice.


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Why not consider having the receiver drilled/tapped for #8 screws if you're worried about longevity? The Leupy mount and rings will have a little more A1 flavor.
I just prefer the 4 screw setup, the screws themselves don't worry me, just prefer to utilize all the holes. And i like the seamless welded setup. I contemplated tigging the Leupy rings to the base and milling off a step for the ocular, but would still only be a 3 screw setup.