338 bullets for ELR Lapua Berger SMK's?


Full Member
Dec 23, 2013
Port Orchard, WA
Hey guys... I am playing with a few more loads for my 338RUM. She seems to prefer lighter projectiles and hotter loads.

Here she is...
Savage 110, stock, no action work yet. Select match Shilen 4 groove ratchet, 28" w/Vias break, bedded choate stock.

At UNSC 600yd, best group was 3.92" with the Berger OTM 250gr. backed with 104 of 869. Hornady match 285's sucked and SMK's were ok(6+"). The SMK's I tried were 250's and 300's. I have only tried 250 OTM's.

What do you guys think about Lapua Scenars? Compared to SMK's and OTM's? Since my barrel doesn't seem to like the heavier (300's) bullets, Do some of you think it may be worth the investment to try OTM's and Lapuas in a 300 vs a 250?

Now the big question... are there custom bullets out there better than the commercially available projectiles? And better/more accurate? I know I'm asking a lot of a budget gun, but I still think I can squeeze out a bit more accuracy out of her. Any ideas???

And for more detailed info... my shooting form/skill is good, recoil management, trigger, breathing, all that good stuff. full benchrest brass prep, I'm VERY anal. I wt sort everything, turn necks, fix coencentricity of loaded round, anneal my brass.

I met an old timer at my new job that is willing to teach me the CNC lathe for truing up my action. He said he does his own there, mostly 700's. Here soon, I'll be set even better. But for now, I'm looking for bullet preferences and hands on experiences with different brand and custom bullets.
It's been my experience that the Scenars handle the transonic zone better than SMKs. For example, shooting 300 SMKs at 1600 yards, the groups are reasonable, but at 1800 they open up rapidly. 300 Scenars on the other hand open up more linearly with distance.
Its a 9 twist. Now I haven't tried the OTM's in 300's yet, just the SMK's and Hornday 285's. I have tried 869, H1000 and retumbo, reloader and IMR powders. She seems to like 1000 and 869 the best.

Dogtown, I keep hearing the same thing recently.....the Scenars do seem to stabilize throughout the flight. They really dont cost anymore, so i just might try them out.

Have you guys tried any custom made bullets out?
Back in 2008 I tested Lehigh 235gr solids but couldn't get them to group all that well. I also got to shoot some LRBT 270gr copper/nickel solids that were really impressive, but now that the company is gone, they are no longer available. People have been getting good results with Cutting Edge bullets in their .375CTs so you might consider their .338 offerings. Personally, I find solids to be pretty fussy about the condition of the bore and like to be the only thing shot. It's common to see good results with solids turn to shit as soon as you fire some jacketed bullets down the bore. In .338LM I don't think there's enough of an advantage yet to choose a turned solid over a good jacketed match bullet.
I'm getting some pretty good accuracy using lathe turned copper solids, check out the MTAC 278gr from Cutting Edge Bullets. Other than those I shoot the 300gr Bergers and get pretty good results too, same rifle as yours.
I'm digging the 300grn OTM Bergers. I've only pushed them out to 1798yds but they do well. I think they are worth it. I wouldn't mind trying the Mtac 278's just because i would be able to push them a little faster, cost/bullet is almost double more. I've heard good things and bad things about solids, some have good luck others not so much, depends on what the rifle wants.

Berger 300 OTM BC G1 .818
CE MTAC 278 BC G1 .760
