338LM Improved vs 375 CT


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Full Member
Feb 13, 2017
I was out at a 2k range on Sunday and shooting my 6.5CM while next to me a guy was shooting 338LM.

When we hit the berms we usually couldn't see any dirt fly, a little moist but not wet. Dirt on ground was dry and could definitely see impacts with both 6.5CM and 338LM then.

I usually shoot by myself and am lucky to have another guy show up so we can spot for each other as these longer ranges aren't as popular.

Will a 375 have significantly bigger impacts vs a 338? I can do a 338 easy with just a barrel change for the AXMC as I already have the bolt. But I don't want to make it hard spotting misses. I won't be shooting 100 rounds a week so price of reloading not a huge deal.
I shoot my 338AI alot with friends that also shoot quite a few 375CT'S. I also get alot of opportunity to shoot THEIR guns too. We have a spot where we can easily set up to shoot anything from 100 yds to 2500yds. I can definatey say that the 375's leave a better (easier to see) dirt signature than my 338AI whether spotting or actually shooting either caliber. That extra energy just seems to make enough difference, at least if the ground is damp. In dry conditions it doesn't really seem to matter though, the 338 will throw enough dirt on a miss to spot easily. I think that was what you were asking anyway........
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