~35 gallons of brass
15 gallons of separated 556/223 brass (~8k)
15 gallons of mixed 556/9mm brass (~3-4k each)
5-10 gallons of 9mm brass (~5k)
Quantities are my best guesstimate based on the containers they’re in.
(They’re in 27 gallon storage totes for reference)
$250 takes it all.
Roughly a 1-2c conservatively estimating the quantity.
Local Pickup Kalamazoo MI Area (SW MI)
Cross listed on ARF
15 gallons of separated 556/223 brass (~8k)
15 gallons of mixed 556/9mm brass (~3-4k each)
5-10 gallons of 9mm brass (~5k)
Quantities are my best guesstimate based on the containers they’re in.
(They’re in 27 gallon storage totes for reference)
$250 takes it all.
Roughly a 1-2c conservatively estimating the quantity.
Local Pickup Kalamazoo MI Area (SW MI)
Cross listed on ARF
9mm / 223 / 556 Bulk Brass (~15k pieces, 35 gallons) for $250 (price drop) - Page 1 - AR15.COM
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