Suppressors 400 Legend Rated Suppressor


Full Member
Mar 7, 2017
Any news of suppressors that are rated for the 400 Legend. Pretty much have my mind made up that I'm going to get one (bolt gun) when they start hitting the shelves. In the mean time I'm looking into what might be available and rated for the 400 Legend. I had hoped that my Obsidian 45 could be used, but an email response from Rugged said they had not yet tested the Obsidian 45 on the 400 Legend.
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Well, they'll need to "hit the shelves" before suppressor manufacturers can test them with their cans...
No doubt, but past experience has shown me that 'accessory manufacturers' often get product well be for it's release to the public for the specific purpose of development/testing.

The Dead Air Primal is a .46 caliber can rated for up to .338 Lapua. Pretty sure it can handle it… 👍🏼
I suspect a bunch of 45/46 cal suppressors that are rated for the 338 Lapua and 450BM, will be rated for the 400 Legend in time.