That has absolutely nothing do with my statement. It has no bearing on if these people caused another 10k infections. It has nothing to do with what people will demand, if there is another spike in cases, and media points to this as a catalyst. But please keep coming up with the irrelevant bull shit and insults. Ya, everyone who talks about something you perceive to be against your opinion is a coward, we get it already. You just get caught up in the stats you like.
I think the infections rates are a great example, 50-85 times higher than thought. Well, everyone has been saying that forever, and saying we need testing to get a better idea of death rates. 50-85 times higher still only equates to a very small part of the population having been sick 2-4% in many areas, you can find all the info if you want. Yet people read that 50-85 fold statistic and take it to mean, "everyone has had it already." It just means death rates go down again. Its an evolving situation.
For your opinion on, it seems you have been reading all the right wing rags and memes comparing death rates to this and that. Maybe read stuff with some substance, then you will have some idea whats going on, and some of guys wont keeping making it look like everyone here has their tin foil hat on too tight.