416 Hellfire on a 1.47" BAT CT


Full Member
Feb 20, 2017
Eastern PA
Anyone ever built a 416 Hellfire on a BAT CT?

I'm building a 33xc on a 1.47" CT in a Manners ELR light stock. Just wondering if I should pick up a Cheytac bolt to also camber a barrel in Hellfire.

I have a 25 pound 416 Barrett and the recoil isn't bad at all. I'm wondering what the recoil of a 25 pound 416 Hellfire with 500 grain CE or even 375 Cheytac with 400 CE would feel like?

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Anyone ever built a 416 Hellfire on a BAT CT?

I'm building a 33xc on a 1.47" CT in a Manners ELR light stock. Just wondering if I should pick up a Cheytac bolt to also camber a barrel in Hellfire.

I have a 25 pound 416 Barrett and the recoil isn't bad at all. I'm wondering what the recoil of a 25 pound 416 Hellfire with 500 grain CE or even 375 Cheytac with 400 CE would feel like?

Its not bad. My shooting partner shoots a 416 Barrett and Im shooting a 416 Stroker. I also shoot a 33XC and I have two 375 Cheytac's. Until I changed barrels I was not pleased with my 33xc.After I went from Xcaliber barrel to Bartlein barrel and now it shoots great. My 33XC is built on a Savage 112 Action. My 416 is on a Stiller Tac Driver 1.6 as are both my 375 Cheytacs. Ima big Stiller fan.Ive had good luck withj them.My 300 RFUM Ackley Improved is built on a Stiller as is my 6mmARC and my 338 Edge.
My 416 Stroker has a 40 inch barrel that weighs 21 lbs. (Thats just the barrel before installing in on action) It does not kick bad.The whole gun weighs 35 lbs. With the scope and Bipod Im at 39.5 Lbs.Im shooting b500 Grain Cutting Edge Lazers at 2955.fps.Hope this helps/
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Its not bad. My shooting partner shoots a 416 Barrett and Im shooting a 416 Stroker. I also shoot a 33XC and I have two 375 Cheytac's. Until I changed barrels I was not pleased with my 33xc.After I went from Xcaliber barrel to Bartlein barrel and now it shoots great. My 33XC is built on a Savage 112 Action. My 416 is on a Stiller Tac Driver 1.6 as are both my 375 Cheytacs. Ima big Stiller fan.Ive had good luck withj them.My 300 RFUM Ackley Improved is built on a Stiller as is my 6mmARC and my 338 Edge.
My 416 Stroker has a 40 inch barrel that weighs 21 lbs. (Thats just the barrel before installing in on action) It does not kick bad.The whole gun weighs 35 lbs. With the scope and Bipod Im at 39.5 Lbs.Im shooting b500 Grain Cutting Edge Lazers at 2955.fps.Hope this helps/

Thanks for the input... The 1.47" BAT CT has the minimum tenon size required to chamber a 416 Hellfire, but I'm also wondering if that's not the best idea just because it just makes it.

That 40 inch barrel goes a long way to tame the recoil on your 416.

Do you shoot solids in your 33xc?

Thanks again,
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Thanks for the input... The 1.47" BAT CT has the minimum tenon size required to chamber a 416 Hellfire, but I'm also wondering if that's not the best idea just because it just makes it.

That 40 inch barrel goes a long way to tame the recoil on your 416.

Do you shoot solids in your 33xc?

Thanks again,
No i do not shoot solids/CE Lazers in my 33XC.. I shoot 300gr ATips and Berger. I shoot them in one of my 300 RUM Ackley Improved. What I dont care foe is all the extra elevation Ive had to dial in shooting them,. The difference at 2913 yards was 38 mils with A Tips and 52 Mils with CE Solids
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No i do not shoot solids/CE Lazers in my 33XC.. I shoot 300gr ATips and Berger. I shoot them in one of my 300 RUM Ackley Improved. What I dont care foe is all the extra elevation Ive had to dial in shooting them,. The difference at 2913 yards was 38 mils with A Tips and 52 Mils with CE Solids
Anyone ever built a 416 Hellfire on a BAT CT?

I'm building a 33xc on a 1.47" CT in a Manners ELR light stock. Just wondering if I should pick up a Cheytac bolt to also camber a barrel in Hellfire.

I have a 25 pound 416 Barrett and the recoil isn't bad at all. I'm wondering what the recoil of a 25 pound 416 Hellfire with 500 grain CE or even 375 Cheytac with 400 CE would feel like?

I would not build a 375 Cheytac or 416 Hellfire on a 1.47 action.A 33XC is as big as Id feel comfortable with.
I believe the 1.47" is gtg for a Cheytac, otherwise BAT wouldn't sell the appropriate bolt to go along with it. I know of at least one top smith that used the 1.47" with a 9.5x77, but I absolutely understand wanting a larger receiver.

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I err on the safer side after my brother in laws buddy blew one up and damn near killed him. just alittle more cautious these days is all. I had a Custom Stiller 338 TAC made with two bolts.,One for a 338 LM Ackley Imp. and the 2nd bolt for 338 EDGE.
went the opposite way. Some people on here say a 110 Savage Action is too small for a 33XC.. But its fine for a 338 LM.
Im sure you will be fine. GOOD LUCK with it.
It seems like so many atre pushing these guns faster and bigger .Yet my friend Shane & wife Jacly seem to just keep beating everyone with a 375 Cheytac running 2950ish and 390 ATIPS.. thats why I ordered a slower twist barrel so I can run them. With a 1-7 Twist Im forced to run solids. It will sling those Hornadys a parft.OIve al;ready run into that with my 300 RUM AI and a 1-8 Twist running 3015.. I slung apart 9 out of 12 at a match.I learned a valuable lesson.
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